View Full Version : arboreal cage design

08-25-04, 12:49 PM
Hey folks,

I'm thinking of buying or building a couple of arboreal cages. Right now I'm thinking I might want one big enough for a trio or quad of tokays, and another large enough for a pair of tiger ratsnakes. In general, I'm looking for a simple design that I can scale up or down to size for whatever I need. I currently make terrestrial cages based on HetForHuman's sliding glass design. I know sliding glass wont really work for a vertical setup, so how do you build your tall cages?

I need something with good viewing from at least the front, scalable to different sizes, secure, and not too expensive to build.

08-25-04, 12:57 PM
You may actually want to check out PCPC for their vision style cages. They have a nice arboreal cage. I myself bought a longer style for my BRB and they are definately worth the money.