View Full Version : beardie shed stuck

08-24-04, 08:45 PM
My baby beardie has skin on his head that is in shed form. Except stuck! I tried wiping it off after awhile it was not off. Did not work. I am also confused if he has skin stuck on his body. It is much whiter and brighter, kind of ghostly on his back. His tail is dark and colorful and by his eyes are fine. Just the things that am getting annoyed by. How do I get this off. Swabbing will not work.

Capital Dragons
08-24-04, 08:48 PM
Give it some time..... It will come of on its own. Nothing to worry about.

08-24-04, 08:52 PM
A week is not a long time too you/???
Any ways I have some mineral oil...

08-24-04, 08:57 PM
if you mist it with water it will come off naturally. We mist all 55 of ours every other day.

08-24-04, 09:21 PM
Give the dragon a soak in lukewarm water once or twice this week. Don't leave the dragon alone during this time....watch him carefully. It is not unusual for a shed to take over a week....


08-25-04, 06:02 PM
Yep i agree with the rest and don't worry they're not like most geckos and shed all at once. One week you'll notice thier back is shedding then the next week thier head, then the next week their tail.

Like right now my female is only shedding on her tail and her left leg, but i know that's normal and next week it will be another part of her body.
