View Full Version : Not good....

08-24-04, 01:19 PM
Ok some disapiontment today.

My Dolomends tenebrosus eggs dident make it during the 3 weeks....I was very disapionted.. I dont know what happend at all.
Maybe it was unfertal...not enouph humidity..who nose..not me for sure.

The eggs sack was webed tot he top of the enclosure... and riped open when I cheked her this morning.. the eggs where scatterd ALL over the place..

Could it be due to stress ?

But after I cheked her she was driking constinly..I would imagine tho.. No water or food for 3 weeks..Id be starved an thursty..lol. I had fed her she actully took out of my hand...lol

But yeah..Have any suggestions guys ?

PS...This is a spider...