View Full Version : first snake

08-23-04, 10:16 PM
I just got my first snake ever from Mark (gonesnakee) its a jungle corn albino female about14" a BRIGHT pink. I know that pink isnt too special but I like her. I'll be getting a male albino jungle in about two wekks (from mark) to pair up wit her when shes older.

08-23-04, 10:17 PM
Great post some pics when you get her~!!

08-23-04, 10:31 PM
I already have her but i dont have a digi cam shes crawling all over my hands at this moment lol

08-24-04, 08:50 AM
Congrats on the new snake - Mark has some amazing looking jungle corns!!

wish we could see pics - but we will take your word that she is beautiful.

mary v.

08-24-04, 09:07 AM
welcome Matt.B...soon we'll see thread started by you in the boa forum and in the python forum, in the Lampro forum and lastly, in the chondro forum

now starts a spiral that you can't control

08-24-04, 09:48 AM
Awesome, congrats!! Glad to hear you're going to pair her with another jungle as opposed to a king or a corn. Good job!!!!

08-24-04, 10:23 AM
Count on the python and boa comin as soon as possible lol. I have one question how do I get a single pinky out of the packedge(i know sp) without breaking it in half or thawing it out?

08-24-04, 11:25 AM
I just wunwrapped the whole thing and broke them apart carefully or cut them with something like a scissors and then put the rest in ziplocks

08-24-04, 11:50 AM

08-24-04, 01:01 PM
Glad you are happy Matt. Should have posted in the General Colubrid though Heh Heh remember Jungle Corn is also 1/2 Cal King therefore not a true Corn, thus the tail shaking activity etc. Matts snake is quite CKish in appearence, but hopefully the oranges will come out more for him with age. He liked the pinker ones the best so he got what he wanted. His Mom wanted him to get the Amel Corn, but Matt got his way LOL Good Luck Mark

08-24-04, 01:46 PM
Sorry I didnt know what to post it in so I chose this one.