View Full Version : Off the wall icubators

08-23-04, 04:15 PM
Has any of you ever used this style of incubator with the jar and the pantyhose? I dont really want to invest alot more money right now and i was wondering if you guys have some cheap (in price not quality) ideas for inubators. i know i should just spend the hundred bucks but the girlfreind is going to shut me down if i keep spending the cash. Thanks

08-23-04, 06:41 PM
I've never used the jar & pantyhose method, nor heard of anyone actually trying it, besides the author. I think I know the book you are talking about though. I believe you just leave it in a warm room, correct...? If you do that, you may as well just use a rubbermaid shoebox($4), some vermiculite($5) and some water($0) in a warm enough room. That would be the cheapest I can think of without providing extra heat. If you do need extra heat - A styrofoam cooler($10) and a fish heater($30) would do it. I have never used that particular method, but lots of people do and that seems like a fairly cheap way to go about it. 50 bucks ain't too bad ;), and if you can find deals on those items(maybe at the Red Deer show...?), it could be cheaper than that. Lots of people here use the styro/fish heater method, they can probably provide more details/pics for you.

08-23-04, 07:01 PM
I use a rubbermaid with holes drilled around the sides under the lip and use a piece of glass for a lid (just so i see inside easy enough) put 1-1/2" water in it, then set a rock in the bottom for the egg box to sit on. Then i set it on top of a heat pad.
Use a thermometer to regulate the temps. Keep in mind that the room temp must be fairly consistant if you do not have a thermostat.

08-23-04, 07:03 PM
Ok thanks for the info i will have to try it out and just see how it goes.