View Full Version : Jubbos Playground

08-23-04, 03:09 PM
This is my pacman I got at the spring TARAS show. I spent alot of time trying to set this up to my satisfaction. It's not quite there yet. I need some more bamboo, but you get the idea. The fountain took about 3 hours. I tried to find all these different ways to make the water flow. I wanted to make more levels on the fountain but ran out of bamboo that didn't break while I tried to carve out the middles and so on. There are also three little white clouds that live in the water. Jubbo likes to go to the water and watch them. He's probably thinking of a way to catch and eat them with as little effort as he can get away with. Well they've been in there for a month now and have no fear of the yellow lazy lump. Hope you like it.

and his home


08-23-04, 08:55 PM
big tank for a pacman. water looks alittle deep.

08-23-04, 11:00 PM
Thanks... well it's only a 20 gallon and he actually quite enjoys the deep water. He floated in the deep end once for at least a couple hours. Then turned around and lied on the rocks. He seems happy, is eating great (well he's a pacman) and he's the most active pacman I have ever seen. He metabolizes food alot faster than my last pacman which is great because they are prone to obesity.
He's happy so I'm happy!

08-24-04, 11:26 AM
wow thats a nice one!

08-24-04, 03:52 PM
in my water setups most crics always drown.

08-24-04, 03:53 PM
when and where is the fall taras show.

08-24-04, 04:18 PM
Oh I don't feed him in there anyways. He gets fed in a glass fish bowl :) I'm not actually sure when the Taras show is. I thought it was in September but I haven't seen any info on it yet.

08-24-04, 04:19 PM
Oh and thanks Sketchy. I think so too :D He hasn't lost his green yet and I hope he never does!

08-24-04, 04:33 PM
Taras show is the 24th and 25th of September

08-24-04, 09:54 PM

08-25-04, 09:50 PM
Very attractive setup!!! :D

Tim and Julie B
08-25-04, 09:55 PM
Nice! Good to see him have that much room. Nice tank!

08-25-04, 10:37 PM
Thanks guys :)