View Full Version : What would you do??

Kevin McRae
08-22-04, 11:59 PM
What would you do if all herps were banned in you town or city?

Give them to me??....lol

Sell them?


bulls eye ball
08-23-04, 12:01 AM

08-23-04, 12:05 AM

08-23-04, 12:13 AM
keep em

08-23-04, 06:42 AM

08-23-04, 06:59 AM

08-23-04, 07:02 AM
Let me be the only reasonale one - lol


08-23-04, 08:16 AM
Take my city out of my profile, and keep quiet to people I dont trust.

08-23-04, 12:46 PM
It's so hard to just move. I'm in a position now where my boyfriend and I broke up and he was letting me keep my Australian Shepherd at his place. Welp, that's done with and my landlord won't let me keep my pup. It's either give her up or move by the end of September.... :( I'm heartbroken. She's everything to me.... I'm trying desperately to find another place but it takes money ---which I don't have.

08-23-04, 01:22 PM
Take the dog and find another place, even if it's not as nice as the place you live in now. Dogs are the best and when you have a bond with them, it hurts them as well as you to be seperated. Its a poopy situatuation you're in right now though. I sympathize.

08-23-04, 01:30 PM
I would definitely move. I'm thinking of moving anyway, just so I can have giant pythons and other large creatures.

08-23-04, 01:32 PM
thanks, kurtis.

08-23-04, 02:20 PM
I'd move if possible, however keeping quiet and not causing problems with neighbors (so they won't complain about anything), is my first choice.


08-23-04, 02:28 PM
move. just like how i did when almost got kicked out of my old apt. in DT calgary for having my kitty get busted running out into the hallway! my turtles mean the world to me, and to tell you the truth, were kinda living with a secret.... im living in a place where i can't have em now........... even tho ive paid over 400 bucks for all my pets to be here, including my hamster! PLEASE DON'T TELL ON ME!!
The laws regarding reptiles are EXTREMLY discrimitory here in Calgary.

08-23-04, 02:55 PM
I'd definately move... when I was at a place in my life that I was financially able to... Until then I'd still keep my animals and pray that no one ever find out and take them away... =/

P.S. Dawnell - Sorry to hear about the B/U - I would keep the dog no matter what... I had to move because of my new pet, Sadie, and she's totally worth the heartache. I know it's hard but when it comes down to it, I'd personally, rather be living out of my car than give up any of my creatures. Perhaps you can find someone to stash her for you until you can make the move. Don't give up... everything always falls into place, and if you do give her up you'll always regret it.

Do what you can... send her to me if you have too!!! =)

08-23-04, 03:07 PM
im can feel your pain too, Dawnell.

my kitty was worth it a million times over


08-23-04, 03:31 PM
...thanks Samba and Nicole...

I feel the same way about living in my car before giving her up. I just can't give her up. We've got this incredibly strong bond and I can't let her down. I've had her since she was 6 months! ...she's 2 1/2 years now. Beautiful blue merle.

I've placed an add in the local paper for possible roomates and have a couple of friends who are thinking of moving to a bigger place anyway so.... and I've got a couple of places for her to stay for a bit if I need it. Gawd, I love small friendly towns.

I'm so fortunate that my landlord gave me the month to decide.

I love my present apartment....it's too bad it couldn't have just worked out. :(

08-23-04, 03:32 PM
I meant to say that I've had her since she was 6 weeks!

08-23-04, 03:58 PM
for me.. don't ask, don't tell. by-laws are generally only enforced when there is a complain. and providing you don't parade your animals around for the world to see, it should be fairly simple for those with even a modest collection to keep it a secret.

what they don't know can't hurt me.


08-23-04, 04:34 PM
thanks for the heads up, im trying to figure out a way to rig up a inconspicious way for my two RES to bask in the open window, behind a screen of course. btw, im already keepin an eye out for places that may allow reptiles.........