View Full Version : Nastyest stuff you had to eat/Dared to eat
08-22-04, 06:44 PM
I think this will be an intresting thread.
What is the nastyest thing you have eaten, im not just talking about olives or carrots. But stuff like crickets, mealworms, coins erasers etc. Or what have you been dared to eat that might be distrubing to some of us lol. So anything from dirt to snails lol. Hope this will be a good one
08-22-04, 06:46 PM
butter worms, they taste like soapy fruit not that bad, gross texture though
6.50 in quarters :P oh and a insect slurry for one of my beardies.
08-22-04, 06:53 PM
6.50 in quarters is pretty gross.
I've eaten many different bugs, daddy long legs, beetles, moths, spiders and a bunch more. The june bug was probably the worst one I ate..... or maybe the spruce bug. They were both very crunchy. I've also ate some dirt. It is really hard to eat.
Anyone ever tried cedar? Its awful.
Ryan and Katie
08-22-04, 06:58 PM
Kong Stuff n'Paste - mint flavour
Here's a pic of the liver flavour. The mint didn't turn out to be that minty...
Fillipino delite. Duck eggs that have a nicely developed embryo. I did not partake, but it was very 3rd world.
08-22-04, 07:18 PM
A full Bull's Testicle in a Fear Factore contest. It was horrid.
08-22-04, 07:24 PM
hm..something that i have eaten thats gross ..hmm..i wonder :D
silkworm---but had to spit that out much texture
aqua plus (water conidtioner for fish)
and a fly ---that was the WORST
08-22-04, 07:38 PM
I ate a piece of gum off the bottom of my friends shoe once ... that is probably the nastiest thing I have ever had. That or haggis.
08-22-04, 08:02 PM
In science class in highschool while disecting a pig, I was dared to eath the liver. Which I did.
A friend hocked a lookie and spit it into my mouth once on a dare too.
Both were gross.
08-22-04, 08:07 PM
lol bullseyeball ha ha
08-22-04, 08:07 PM
I ate rabbit once, I didnt really like it.
08-22-04, 08:08 PM
love rabbit its better than chicken
08-22-04, 10:03 PM
Probably Crested Gecko Diet, totally by accident...and various bugs :D
08-22-04, 10:39 PM
lol try and tell us how they tasted like
08-22-04, 10:53 PM
Well I ate my girlfrineds "girlfriends" toe jam. It was salty but somewhat enjoyable. It wasn't really jam just from a sock clothe stuff. You know...
As soon as I was old enough to know better, I always had a hankering for eating stuff I wasn't supposed to. Sometimes on a dare, but mostly because - well, I'm not entirely sure! I've eaten a lot of bugs, both captive bred and wild (Mike does this as well), playdough, glue stick, calci-yums, jelly bean in the park, piece of cookie that rolled throughout the mall at xmas time, stuff that has been infested with moth webs/larave/eggs, and the list goes on. I had a big, nasty, thick, yellow, burn scab on my shoulder last year that Mike ate... that was a bit gross. The worst thing anyone I know has ever eaten would have to be our friend who ate a beer cap folded in half, so it had those nice pointy edges... :eek:
Tim and Julie B
08-22-04, 11:50 PM
Damn Linds!!!! S*** that's straight up nasty.
I ate a table spoon sized ball of wasabi. Oh the burn.
I was dared to chug a mug of suger once. I got 3/4 of the way through and it had absorbed every last bit of saliva. so it got stuck and I choked. Ate a meal worm once, tastes like almonds. TB
Kevin McRae
08-22-04, 11:53 PM
Probaly when I found all of my mom's cleaning supplies in the cabinet:)
The worst thing was rules!
Kevin McRae
08-22-04, 11:55 PM
My dads friend never had any coffee made so he just took a handle full of coffee grounds and eat them.
He was sure hyper!
08-22-04, 11:56 PM
When I read the title I thought I'd have a good opertunity to show off, but most of my stuff pales in comparison everyone elses. I drank a bottle of sunscreen once, and a jar of relish. That's really all that stands out.
Once in gym class my friend dared me to stick a bobby-pin in an outlet. I did it but I let go and jumped when I got shocked, then I had to grab it again and pull it out. I got some burns but nothing that mattered, the teacher didn't even notice.
08-23-04, 12:21 AM
i ate a super worm for 15 dollers and a 12inch sub a pop and some cookies,
rabbit ,ostrige, horn worm, hisser ,crickets ,rotten eggs ,stale bread in 3 week old open pepsi and more
08-23-04, 12:24 AM
hmm a whole lemon peel and all that we found on the road one night while cruising around
Originally posted by CamHanna
Once in gym class my friend dared me to stick a bobby-pin in an outlet. I did it but I let go and jumped when I got shocked, then I had to grab it again and pull it out. I got some burns but nothing that mattered, the teacher didn't even notice.
LOL gotta love getting zapped! My parents were given this bug zapping thing, it looks identical to a tennis racket, except it has a little switch and the lines become active - that sure seems to be a favourite when people start drinking around here :p :rolleyes:
08-23-04, 12:40 PM
when I was a kid we dared this girl to eat a dead slug....she did and then puked.
bwah ha ha ha.
she remembers it to this day too.
08-23-04, 01:18 PM
as a kid i ate weird things: sand, playdough, my scabs, pocket lint, lip gloss, little pieces of glass/rock/wire, beads, coins.
i am now normal.
08-23-04, 01:26 PM
Man I totally forgot about this:
When I was 2, my cousin and I (she is the same age) pulled the round glass christmas tree ornaments off the tree and smashed them up and started to eat them. We had to spend a few days in the hopistal to make sure that we 'passed' all the broken glass that went though our systems.
I guess we thought they were candy or something?
Originally posted by ib_inked
When I was 2, my cousin and I (she is the same age) pulled the round glass christmas tree ornaments off the tree and smashed them up and started to eat them. We had to spend a few days in the hopistal to make sure that we 'passed' all the broken glass that went though our systems.
I guess we thought they were candy or something?
LMAO! I thought I was the only one :p I never ate the round ones, but I have a gingerbread man and women (well the man never survived), that are on our tree every year. The women has no arms apparently I thought she looked yummy as a kid... you would've though I would've clued in after the first bite that it was ceramic, not cookies?
I think I will have bad dreams tonight from reading this post..LOL...but, Herpslave eating toe jam and people eating scabs will definitely give me NIGHTMARES! Nasty things from the human body is wayyyyy more gross than bugs....YUCK. You guys with a ciggy butt in it is as gross as I can do, and that was an accident :)
08-23-04, 11:42 PM
Ate a fish fly out of a spider web on a stupid drunken dare. My fiance's friend's breast milk (you've gotta try it at least once). Ate a few ants, a worm, a sow bug and of course plenty of healthy doses of dirt and glue. I drank out of a mud puddle when I has a kid. lol. I remember this old lady looking out her front window yelling "It'll make you sick!". Never did. HAHA!
08-23-04, 11:59 PM
The thing is I was not drunk, nor getting a benefit out of doing that... Aliyah (friend) was picking the crap out her toes. Jenny (gf) said ewww you should lick that out. So I said ok... Thats how things work around here... If you want to know something interesting. Armpit asweat taste much better then deoderant... Just a tip for you future armpit lickers out there.
Travelling to WA State to play a High School Football game. One of our O.L. decided to try chewing tobacco for the first time. He grabbed a wad & tossed it in his mouth...
We had to get out in Lethbridge to clean out the bus...
08-24-04, 03:54 AM
hmm, wheni was akid, i also ate weird things :P my list includes mud off my rubber boots , glue stick, strawberry shortcake lip gloss, toilet paper, my own hair, johnsons baby lotion, 5 cents, and in the past few years: a pomagranate worm by accident, a dead fly stuck on the unseen side of a unwashed grape, a minnow chased by beer on a dare down by the Bow River, drank a shot glass of sirloin steak juice at the bottom of a package on a dare and had a bad stomach prob for 2 days after! :P
i think thats it.
08-24-04, 06:16 AM
08-24-04, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by WRX
Fillipino delite. Duck eggs that have a nicely developed embryo. I did not partake, but it was very 3rd world.
these are really good. i use to eat them every week. did u tryed them with salt and pepper?
08-24-04, 09:18 AM
herpslave did you girlfriend ever kiss you again? lol
08-24-04, 09:30 AM
How bout you Meow? After all... you DID start this thread. Are you holding out to shock us all? ;)
08-24-04, 10:17 AM
I personal have a very weak somach but the nastiest thing i have ever seem someone eat is......on a camping trip the guys were all drunk and they dare our friend to drink a glass of,everything...meaning dirt,cigerettes,a joint,beer,fish parts and the hole head, ash from the fire and so on and the stupid a@@ drink it all and had the fish head sticking out of hes mouth and downed that was nasty and will just not right. the only either thing i have seen is when fear factor came on tv my 3 kids dared each other to eat a cricket and meal worm and ofcourse they all did it,nasty.LOL
08-24-04, 10:59 AM
haha i might be:p nastyest thing ive eaten is like a mealworm lol
I have never eaten anything odd or overtly disgusting (except sushi), but I remember a story my mother told me...
When she was young, probably around 3 years old, she ate an entire bottle of aspirin, thinking they were M&M's (I have no idea why she thought that was what they were...)
She spent a week in the hospital and had to have her stomach pumped... but just thinking about chewing raw, bitter aspirin makes me gag!
i once drank a shot of garlic-olive oil, that was disgusting. Felt it all day :D
08-24-04, 01:31 PM
i eat paper. but only when related to food products. like i eat pixie sticks whole, eat muffins with the paper still on them. a friend of mine would eat a bananna slug every year at a bbq i have with my friends at the end of school. when he graduated, we appointed someone else to be the slug eating guy.
08-24-04, 03:23 PM
Im a paper eater too!
Best wierdest thing i ever had was 'roo, Id eat a kangaroo before even touching a cow, THEY ARE SOOOOOOOO TASTY
08-24-04, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by meow_mix450
haha i might be:p nastyest thing ive eaten is like a mealworm lol
red bootz
08-25-04, 10:49 AM
Whale Sashimi.
08-25-04, 10:59 AM
I ~love~ your avatar red bootz
08-25-04, 11:01 AM
I drank some Selsun blue once (the anti-dandruff shampoo) and have eaten some ants. One of my friends knows someone who was dared to bite the head off of a live frog and eat the head, so he did it. That's both disgusting and extremely cruel! He said there were long stringy things (veins?) that the guy had to rip by tugging on it with his mouth.
08-25-04, 06:27 PM
anyone tried a pinky or a fuzzie?
There was some dude on here a while back that said he was gonna try eating a Rat(skinned and de-boned and all that), I wonder how that turned out...
Or is there a reason he hasn't reported back... Hmm...
08-25-04, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by treegirl
I ~love~ your avatar red bootz
me too! i showed my boyfriend, a marvel-freak and he just snorted pepsi outta his nose!!!!
speaking of paper eating, when i was a kid my dad would give me"Mojo's" andf i would just eat them whole if someone didn't "skin" them for me!:medopen:
08-26-04, 12:24 AM
LOL! Linds, you're a nut! :D That scab thing is the grossest on the list for sure! lol
I don't have any REALLY gross things like you guys.
- A whole tube of tooth paste in one bite (tough but not gross).
- A MacDonald's ice cream cone in two bites (also tough but not gross).
- Several packs of ketchup... basically a mouth-full.
- A jelly bean that was stepped on in a parking lot.
- A regulation size basket ball.
That's about it. :D
p.s. I'm kidding about the basket ball. :p
08-26-04, 01:23 AM
Wow yim, over consumption of toothpaste can and most likely will stain your teeth yellow really bad.
08-26-04, 01:45 AM
I don't know if it counts as "had" to eat...
Cow takes big nasty dump, gets it on tail. I walk by during milking time. Cow swings tail. I get interrupted mid sentence by a mouth full of cow ****.
Could have been even worse though. The boss got hit by a cow that coughed in the middle of the job. Did you know that when a cow cough's during defecation the feces takes on the form of a powerful stream? In his words, "It's just ****." but I still didn't like getting it on me.
08-26-04, 01:48 AM
Tim, don't eat basketballs! They make great hides!!!:D
Think I'm kidding? The BPs think they're the greatest hides ever. Already black on the inside, and they take them over the more snug alternatives I offered. I just cut an old leaky basketball in half and put it in to test and in both rubbermaids they took to them immediately.
Jason Wakelin
08-26-04, 06:06 AM
Wow, my job as a chef is basically to cook and taste "food" for 60-80 hours a week (for years and years now). And I can't even come close to some of the interesting stuff that has been described here. Oh sure I've eaten mealworms, hell, I've even tasted mouse (don't go there!), and crickets. But for my money the most powerful flavour in the world is a French cheese called Morbier. It's kind of like taking a slap in the face from a lead glove. Worse yet is the stink that lingers on your fingers (for days) after you cut it.
08-26-04, 10:32 PM
well, first off I don't want to gross lots of people out that don't know this but we all eat several bugs a week in our sleep. YUK!! lol
Anyway, for gross things I have consumed (doesn't come close to some of the stuff on here Thank God!), and these are all as a child or by accident.
tapioca pudding (now that is gross!! I don't like to eat something that looks like its staring back at me. lol)
stail peanuts
sour milk
moldie bread
finger nails
cat hair
dog hair
raw chicken (got salmonilla with it too!)
dirt including rocks. ate a mud pie when I was a kid. lol
pee. my god-son peed in my face when I was talking to him and changing his diaper. That was too gross! lol.
I've gotten so many accidental mouths of poo it isn't funny! I guess I'm a sloppy cleaner and it's always splashing with the cloth I"m cleaning with and ends up right on my face and mouth. Grosses me out every time but I still haven't learned to clean slower without slopping the cloth around. lol I've got bird poo, dragon poo, turtle poo, and ferret poo on my face at one point or another.
and after nearly 20 years of not eating meat I went on a diet last year that inclueds meat. It was really gross and weird at first but I have gotten used of pork and chicken. Still can't stomach beef though. EWW! Gags me just thinking of it. And no, it's not because of the animal, I just can't stand the taste.
Well, that's all I can think of right now.
I'm not one for eating things that aren't supposed to be consumed... guess raw pork fat is pretty bad (and not supposed to be consumed)
As for edible food, I had this gross noodle dish... nasty seasonings... and guess who made it: me. Usually my food isn't THAT bad, but this one was BAD.
Anyhow, a lot of you here make the character Renfield (from Dracula) look normal! O_O The pus scab thing was definitely the worst....
the grossest thing i ever ate was probably a cricket( it tasted fine actually it just felt disgusting on the way down)I wasn;t dared or anything just really boored so nicky and I fried them up covered them in chocalte and down they went.(i nearly gaged).I was dared to eat wet cat food, that stuff is horrible then to eat dry but that tastes fine. I wanna try a mealworm some time but haven;t worked up the guts yet lol.
My dad drank some of the spit from the chewing tabacco in a bowl thinking it was punch for me.....I was dared to hold a ball of wasabi in my mouth for 30 seconds, I seriously think I damaged quite a few tastes buds, it burned so much, but I made 50$ so whose complaining ? :D I seriously think I would chug a thing of listerine if I had chewing tobacco juice....
08-27-04, 12:05 PM
I used to assist a mortician when I was younger. I ate a human earlobe. Tough as leather!
wow thats crazy an earlobe is that like considered cannablism?
how'd it taste besides the leather part?
08-27-04, 12:15 PM
omg... that's discusting!
08-27-04, 12:17 PM
08-27-04, 12:18 PM
Like formaldehyde. He was preserved.
It was the day of our Christmas party and we were already into the drinks. My boss dared me to pull it off and eat it. He had been in a pretty bad car accident and it was kinda hanging off anyways, so the makeup artist would have pulled it off and put on a rubber one anyways. Then we went for dinner with all the staff and we all laughed about what I did. I had favra beans.
That is disgusting, not to mention disrespectful to the dead person... That's it, I'm going to die by throwing myself in a body of water- hopefully no one will find me and I'll just rot away without being eaten by anything from my own species o_o
08-27-04, 03:42 PM
Man that is so wrong, I hope you are lying. You are a savage. Imagine that was someone from your family.....
After thinking about it for a bit I would have to say Johnny Walker is the grossest thing I've ever consumed.
I just ate some snake musk. I was going into pick up my jungle corn and wasnt paying atention a touched her head by mistake and she flung musk every where including my mouth. I was sour and warm lol ugh
08-27-04, 04:19 PM
I'm not lying, but I think my hearing has improved since then!
08-27-04, 04:34 PM
I worked at my cemetery for 7 years and have lived here my whole life. I have seen and heard gross things but that is so wrong I can't get over it. You must work for a really fine establishment.
Nothing like a christmas party drinking around some corpses. That must bring out the holiday spirit in everyone.
I takes a lot to piss me off or gross me out and you have managed to do both. Congrats
you do realize that as stupid as this law is cannibalizsm is against the law so you are breaking the law and destroying any ethics you may have. I dont think that we needed to here that and I for one find you discusting.
08-27-04, 05:40 PM
If you think we had our chrismas party at the morgue, your dumb. It was at a restaurant. It was years ago when I was younger, and if you cant handle what thread is about DONT READ IT!
As for finding me dicusting, is that the same as disgusting? Well put amigo!
But I 'hear' what both of you are saying...get it? HEAR? lol
08-27-04, 06:04 PM
you have a twisted sense of humor... but I guess at least you have one
I'm done with this but one last thing....
Is chrismas party same as christmas party? Well put my twisted amigo
08-27-04, 06:06 PM
ha! touche!
reptile boi
08-27-04, 07:02 PM
wen i was little my big bro stepped on an ant on the sidewalk and ate it, my little bro also ate a black rotting mealworm a few years ago and ive eaten raw octopus before, really chewy and slimy. I think that would be the only thing id ever eat a ball of wasabi with!
08-29-04, 01:37 PM
Holy... That's so gross! Earlobe. I thought Linds took the cake with the scab thing, but that's so sick! As for you all getting so mad, lighten up! You only live once. :D
Blaaah! I don't eat anything nasty usually but I let the ratties clean my teeth after dinner. :p Tis their favorite passtime. :)
08-29-04, 06:51 PM
yuckie, Oliverian!!!!
and about the earlobe, hey you do nasty stuff when you drink alcohol, nuff said!
i wonder if it helped with drowning out ecssesive whining?!
08-29-04, 07:54 PM
Wow! An earlobes impressive... I eat my dead skin, I'm sure that over the years the volume of skin's amounted to an ear... not the same though.
I wash pig barns with a power washer and poo-poo spray's a big part of the job. The solid stuff that gets stuck in a corner's not that bad, I just spit it out. The worst part is when you squirt the water strait down into the pit and the liquid manure splashes up, the taste of feces, urine and maggots takes for ever to leave.
The most discuting (sp) thing I've ever eaten rotton water melon. I had a water melon that was just a tad soft and figured I could just cut out the bad part, like with a potato or apple. Turns out it doesn't work with water melon. I have a very good gag responce (I never gag) but I actually puked over the melon.
08-29-04, 09:54 PM
wow..."wash pig barns" is it a factory farm? ...what a job.
08-29-04, 10:54 PM
Yah, one of those big factory farms... It's actually not that bad. The barns are kept emaculately clean and the odour's not that bad (though I do smell when I get home). The money's good ($10/hr!), my co-workers and boss are great and I can keep the job through the school year, so I kind of like it.
08-30-04, 10:35 AM
Thanks Oliverian. My stance excactly. Lighten up.
It's not like I ate someone or anything....oh, wait....I did! Oops...
08-30-04, 08:32 PM
my husbands cooking.. and trust me ya'll, its NASTY!
i didnt eat it but my cuz he wet his foot walked out side where the dirt was and cow manure and then he licked it all off it was gross to watch, i ate 1 kg of frosting my hand was shacking like a earth quake
I've eaten a frozen pinkie and pretty much any bug i've ever fed to any of my pets
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