View Full Version : Pics of Full Bellies

10-09-02, 09:41 PM
Today was feeding day for 2 of the largest carpets in my collection. All of my carpets feed on f/t rats.

6 foot JCP female... full belly.. and you can tell by this pic that there's NO way I'm going to get even close to her when she lays eggs lol.

<IMG SRC="http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/2237jcpbelly.JPG">

and a 4.5 foot IJ male. he's always been my best feeder and never refuses a meal ... after meal.. after meal. I feed him last in case someone else doesnt want to eat. He's got 3 small (very small, one was like the size of a mouse) rats in him.

<IMG SRC="http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/2237ijbelly.JPG">

Ryan and Katie
10-10-02, 09:33 PM
Those are great pics. The male's banding is stunning. One of our males is the same way as yours. He makes a great garbage disposal. Every time you walk into the room he thinks that you have brought food with you.

10-10-02, 11:10 PM
they're great to have when someone else feels like going off feed eh lol

10-11-02, 05:15 AM
Very nice picts, and very nice snakes ! :)

10-16-02, 02:27 PM
Great looking carpets!