View Full Version : Look what else was in Opal het clutch. Type B?

08-19-04, 12:53 PM
The pic is bad but in person it looks like a grey/brown colour not the usual black of a type A anery. Problem is I've never seen a type B in person. So it could be possible that the amel and lavender were het for type B anery as well as type A.
So what do you all think? Type B or a light type A?

08-19-04, 01:21 PM
Can't help with the ID, but I do know I like him/her. :)
I especially like the head marking, reminds me of a stylized radiation warning sign.

08-19-04, 01:22 PM
Looks very nice! I'm not sure if the flash is washing it out, but it's very light. Is there pink on the cheek? How old the snake? Does it have distinctive pupils or just one huge black eye?

Here's what my freshly hatched aneries look like (I believe them to to be charcoal, but am not definitely saying for sure.)

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Corns/blizblood1face.jpg">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Corns/blizblood1bod.jpg">

They came from a blizzard (anery b/amel) by a blood red (het for anery??) so most likely they are charcoal.

Here is the same animal a day after. It has darkened quite a bit, another sign of a charcoal (not a lot of contrast).

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Corns/blizbloodanery.jpg">

If I were you, I'd keep it, and breed to a snow or blizzard to prove it out, that's the only way to truly be sure. That's what I plan to do with mine.

08-19-04, 01:48 PM
The flash did wash it out. I'll take more with better light an no flash. As for the eye I never checked. I'm deffinately keeping her. At first she was not my hold back but she is now after seeing how her colours are developing. She is about two months old now.

08-19-04, 01:50 PM
Actually if you look at the pic closely you can see the pupil pretty clearly.

08-19-04, 02:13 PM
So the background colour is really that light at two months?? I'd say anery A then. Charcoals get their name from the sooty grey wash (hence charcoal) they develop reducing the contrast between background and saddles.

I'm not expert, but those are my thoughts.

08-19-04, 03:39 PM
Nice anery hatchling - like Katt, I would lean toward anery A because of the high contrast between saddle and background color - not the muted look that charcoals would have.

It is my understanding that the third pic of Katt's especially shows the greyish background that is more typcial of a charcoal than the clean white background that seems to show up in anery A (especially from Miami type lines). The saddle color can range from black to brown tinged in both varieties from what I know of them.

One of the real difficulties in sorting out all these genetics, especially when the morphs are hard to tell apart. While lots of hidden recessives used to be a desirable thing (lots of suprises) it is getting to be hard to be sure that individuals don't carry more recessives - when you are looking for charcoal, you don't want anery A in your line!

Great looking baby though - I like the really high contrast anerys,

mary v.

08-19-04, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by vanderkm
Great looking baby though - I like the really high contrast anerys,

Oh really? Then do I have a little guy for YOU! I'll show you him even before the show starts! ;) :D lol

But seriously, he IS a nice one. :)

08-19-04, 05:05 PM
I would say that is an anery a

My bet is that Trev's is an anery a and Katt's anery b.

But like everyone here stated before, only breeding trails would tell~~

08-19-04, 05:44 PM
No question there is contrast but the black is faded/washed out but not in the same way a ghost is.
I'll try to get a better pic soon.

08-19-04, 06:24 PM
Holy moly, those are cooool-looking!!

08-19-04, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Holy moly, those are cooool-looking!!

Get into corns man
you're missing the fun~!!

08-20-04, 09:47 AM
Trevor - look forward to seeing more pics - lots of variety in these guys.

Tim - no matter how nice he is - I simply cannot come back from Red Deer with more corns than I take down!! I am overrun with baby corns now and as much as I love the little guys - please, no more!! Is it a male - always seems they are more intensely colored than the females! Look forward to seeing him anyway.

mary v.

08-20-04, 01:09 PM
<laughing at Mary> I'm with you. No more darn corns!! As much as I love them, there's got to be a limit! We can't all be like Simon!!

08-20-04, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Katt
<laughing at Mary> I'm with you. No more darn corns!! As much as I love them, there's got to be a limit! We can't all be like Simon!!


I have a limit too~~

08-20-04, 06:36 PM
Yeah Simon, but your limit is MUCH higher!! :p

08-21-04, 10:09 AM
:o :o :o

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

o> o> o>

:zi: :zi: :zi:

08-22-04, 02:07 PM
Just wait till he gets married.

08-22-04, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by BoidKeeper
Just wait till he gets married.

Long time to go~
Long time to go my friend~~
At least a couple more years before I even start putting my punie head together to think of anything like that...

08-23-04, 06:50 AM
Well when you do get married just remember what I tell mine, the snakes were here first!

08-23-04, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by BoidKeeper
Well when you do get married just remember what I tell mine, the snakes were here first!

Hope she doesn't try to throw a couple out while you're gone when you get her mad~~


(Well when I get married I'll be in Asia....so....by then I wont have as many herps.....plus we have been going out for 5 years now...so she kind of accepted the fact that I have had at least 1000+ herps around my place before...LOL!!)

09-11-04, 07:22 PM
Simon holly mouse bill 1000 holy sh man ,no wonder the rest of us have a hard time finding pinkise lol