View Full Version : MJ - Your Opinions
08-18-04, 11:51 PM
**NOTE** Please sway away from politics at all costs so that this subject may be discussed without being deleted.
Well, I had an interesting conversation with a co-worker in regards to the use of marijuana. From my point of view, there are two distinct sides - some believe there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, where others put it in the same category with hard substances. From my point of view, I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. If society accepts alcohol, that should give all lee-way to the use of marijuana from the way I see it.
Also from my point of view, the reason behind the opposition is such propaganda which states such effects as killing brain cells. I watched a movie the other day which was called 'Reefer Madness.' It exemplifies such propaganda put fourth by the government towards the opposition of the use of marijuana. In the opening of the movie, it states that the use of marijuana will lead to "acts of shocking violence, ending often in incurable insanity."
Anyhow, out of boredom I decided to do some research to cure personal curiosity. I found some interesting information as I searched for information for or against the common misconceptions, or facts, of marijuana. I will only tackle the main two:
It is addictive.
The majority of sources were against this, and relate those individuals who appear 'addictive' to their 'addictive personalities' which 10% of our population possesses. I also found sources stating that on a relative scale, marijuana is less habit forming than either sugar or chocolate.
Marijuana kills brain cells.
Of all things I found, this was the most interesting. Why? Because this is one of the key 'facts' against MJ. This idea was generated through Professor Gabriel Nahas's study on the Rhesus Monkey in the late 1970's. The study was based on four monkeys, each of which a mask was attached to their face. In five consecutive minutes, the monkeys were forced to breathe in the amount of smoke equivalent to sixty seven joints. Through these conditions, the animals died of asphyxiation, and brain damage was recorded. Smoke from burning wood would cause the same damage. In another study, laboratory rats were injected with pure THC, at doses corresponding to twelve hundred times that is ingested by a marijuana smoker. This test showed degeneration of the nerve connections between brain cells in the hippocampus, where THC is known to be active. Similar studies were done through Dr. Robert G. Heath, both of which are heavily criticized and proven to be inconclusive.
I came upon other interesting snippets, such as the fact that there has never been one death attributed to the use of marijuana. THC is one of the few chemicals for which there is no known toxic amount. The federal agency NIDA says that autopsies reveal that 75 people per year are high on marijuana when they die: this does not mean that marijuana caused or was even a factor in their deaths. This chart in particular shocked me; it compares the number of deaths attributable to selected substances in a typical year:
Tobacco-----------340,000 - 395,000
Alcohol (excluding crime/accidents)----------125,000+
Drug Overdose (prescription)----------24,000 - 27,000
Drug Overdose (illegal)----------3,800 - 5,200
I found it interesting that the majority of damage caused through the use of marijuana is through the burning of the plant itself - smoking anything is harmful to ones' health. I thought this would be an interesting discussion for the general forum - although I am not an advocate, I feel if society can accept caffeine, tobacco and alcohol, there is a huge bias somewhere along the line. The other night, I was thinking about all the negative effects of alchohol, which I have seen first hand (such as 'encouraging' a female to have sex) and how it could have possibly been accepted.
08-19-04, 12:03 AM
I feel there is absolutely nothing wrong with the recreational use of marijuana :D
08-19-04, 12:05 AM
i agree there is absolutely nothing wrong and i disagree about it being own opinion
08-19-04, 12:16 AM
I'm not going to go into a long rant on the PROs and cons as this will be deleted. For the record i am on the PRO side but i definatly have to argue with the death stat.
The 0 deaths from pot annually is 0 overdoses which would be next to impossible to do as you would pass out ong before you could smoke enough to kill ya. But a joint is just as hard on you lungs as a cigarette. Not much of a concern for an ocasional smoker but you cant right it off as a benign. Also smoking moldy bud is directly attributed to lung infections. I'm sure there are people who have died as a result of thier pot smoking its just not something thats easily tracked
08-19-04, 12:30 AM
what if you eat it?i dont smoke but i have friends who take pot and cram it into empty pill capsuls and you eat two you are completely obliterated....
08-19-04, 12:30 AM
Actually Derrick, I did some research in regards to cigarettes vs. marijuana as well. You see, despite cigarette companies having you believe that it is solely tar that causes lung cancer, the real danger is radioactivity - in fact, I recall seeing on television that radioactivity, not tar, accounts for 90% of all smoking related lung cancer, at least 90% that is. Tobacco is fertilized with phosphates rich in radium 226; this is added in addition to the fact that many soils have a natural radium 226 content. Radium 226 is decomposed into two 'daughter' elements, lead 210 and polonium 210. These now airbourne particles attach to the leafs of tobacco plants. Polonium 210 and lead 210 deposits accumulate in the those exposed to cigarettes. Polonium 210 is the only component of cigarette smoke which has caused tumors when inhaled by itself.
All this radioactivity is not present when smoking this plant. In addition, MJ has 33% as much tar. Also, MJ is an expectorant, meaning it facilitates the secretion of mucus and other matter from the respiratory tract. I am not saying that it WONT cause cancer, but it definitely is not capable of being compared to the damage caused by cigarettes. Not to mention, in most cases I would imagine one smokes many more cigarettes then they would marijuana.
08-19-04, 12:31 AM
what if you eat it?i dont smoke but i have friends who take pot and cram it into empty pill capsuls and you eat two you are completely obliterated....
I read that ingesting the THC this way eliminates just about any negative effect of smoking marijuana.
I was skimming through(im in a hurry) and remembered a fact (dont know if its stated already) Tobbaco causes more diseases than MJ.
Jessica G
08-19-04, 12:41 AM
I also am going to try to stay in the guide line.
If your work sends you for a blood test and it come back positive. How are they going to determan when you smoked to joint? If you were drinking they could tell how much and how long ago. Because you stay high longer then if you were drinking.
I think it make it hard on the owners of companys to know who is doing what and when.
I can say for sure.
I have a pinched nerve in my back. So I take meds. for it.
A doctor gave me marijuana to see if it would get my blood flowing though my legs. a couple years back. It did. But, when it ware off , I had twice as much pain.. This wasn't for me.
I think people need to use comon sence.. I don't know to many that do.. I don't mean anyone here.
Just my 2 .$
08-19-04, 12:48 AM
Jessica, either you made a mistake and flipped around what you meant to say, or you are mixing up the two. MJ stays in your system for a few months, depending on such factors as your metabolism, as it is stored in your fat. It isn't that you stay high longer, its that it stays in your system longer. They are capable to determine when and how much you have smoked, if I am not mistaken.
08-19-04, 12:51 AM
as far as the raidoactivity and heavymetals go it it is present in a lot of liquid fertilizers and is just as much a problem in the hydroponic solutions used in grow ops. Organised crime funds most of the comercial pot production in north america. I highly doubt these guy are making thier own organic teas to fertilize the plants. they are useing chemical fertilizers to get the plants big fast. They care as little about your health as the tabacco companies.
Its all about the money
08-19-04, 12:53 AM
How does one police the gange if under the influence while driving? If someone's hammered (drunk), there are tools in place to determine and prosecute drunk driving. How does one do the same for sparking up? What if a major car accident is caused by impaired stoners? What if someone dies? Do you have any idea of the logistics involved to legalize a drug that could cause slower reactions and is not easily testable? Roadside blood tests? Yikes. In the days of AIDS and Hepititis? No thanks.
Errr....anyone got a blunt? heh heh.....
08-19-04, 12:55 AM
LOL! Jeff.
I totally agree, that is definitely a problem. However, I heard on the news a few weeks ago, that they are considering enforcing roadside bloodtests.
08-19-04, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by tHeGiNo
They are capable to determine when and how much you have smoked, if I am not mistaken.
You are mistaken. they can only tell the levels in you system. Some one who never smoked pot and went out and smokes a big fat joint may test along the same lines as as a heave toker is tested the next day. also a moth to clean out is a rough estimate. I know a guy who tested positive after 6 weeks of being clean. he smoke close to half an oz a week.
08-19-04, 01:12 AM
I'm pro pot. I don't see anything wrong with it...
Eating it is a good alternative to smoking it. You can cook it into pretty much anything.
08-19-04, 01:18 AM
Totally agree Jeff......great point that I think is commonly overlooked by those advocating the use of "recreational" Pot.
Now, if we are just talking about recreational use:
Personally, I like to have all my wits about me. Life is too short to go through it in a daze. I feel like people who do drugs (or drink to get drunk etc) are trying to excape from their problems or who they really are. I hope saying this is not going to offend people, these are just my opinions and may have something to do with getting old!!
I don't look down on people who do it.....everyone has tried it at some point, but I don't choose to be around them. However, I also have lost a few friends in my past because they didn't know where to draw the line (an ex-boyfriend doing it in front of his 15 year old daughter like it was no big deal).
I see what you're saying though David, since alcohol is legal and M is not. Alcohol can be just as dangerous if misused, I've known enough alcoholics to see that. I feel that is you are impaired in any way whether it be by drugs or alcohol you should suffer the concequences. Too many people are hurt or die every year including innocent bystanders.
As I said, JMO. :)
08-19-04, 01:20 AM
The above also goes for blood test although generally blood cleans out sooner. So some who smokes a lot but is a responsible sober driver could test just as positive as someone who smoked a joint at a party and drove home. Also the affects of marijuanna are varried.
I worked with a guy who was a useless tool if he hadnt smoked his morning joint. His normal was high. He was far more of a hazzard sober.
Jessica G
08-19-04, 01:44 AM
Sorry,,, You right I said that a lttle back wards.. You are correct, It says in you blood longer. Past my bed time.
I like to keep my wits about me as well.. Again not putting anyone down.
My worry would be how to test people when need be:( .
I think a person drunk is just a dangers. as a person high out side there homes or a safe area,,,
I think you guy know what I'm trying to say.
Smoking is smoking ,, no matter what it is , It's not good for you.
08-19-04, 01:51 AM
i feel that marijuana should be legalized, because it is less harmful than alcohol and i feel that it is up to an individual to decide whether or not they wish to endanger their health. i also think that decriminalizing marijuana is a good idea because it eliminates a good portion of crime, and will declog the prison system to a degree. however, i believe that marijuana is psychologically addictive. this is very different from being physically addictive. still, i know many people who have been addicted to marijuana and had an extremely difficult time getting clean. but as i said, since it is only psychological and not physical, it does not come anywhere near to how bad it is to kick another drug, such as alcohol or a benzoid. and as for damage to brain cells, many stoners act stupid while high, but i dont think there is any permanent damage. but i really would have no way of knowing. as far as dangerous drugs, i feel that since there is no risk of overdose, it cannot truly be catagorized as such, because the risk of cancer is not an immediate threat in the same way that damage from harder drugs can be.
It's my opinion that the only reason weed isn't legal is because it's difficult to tax. Since anyone can grow their own, with comparable or often superior quality to what any commercial producer could offer, the amount of taxable revenue would be minimal in comparison to Alcohol or Tobacco.
I feel things are best the way they are right now. Seeds are legal, meaning that the government is pretty much saying it is okay without openly having to admit it and offending more conservative voters. Right now, at least in BC, if you only have weed for your own use, nothing will ever happen to you. If they were to decriminalize like they were proposing in parliament, you'd have to pay fines out your nose everytime you were caught with it in your possession. Or, imagine if they really did legalize it. Most likely it would be much less potent, and there would be much fewer strains available to choose from. Lab strains like Chemo are good, but there is better out there.
I feel sorry for our neighbours to the South, but as far as I'm concerned, things are best the way they are up here. And hey, maybe we'll get some extra tourism dollars.
08-19-04, 03:40 AM
And hey, maybe we'll get some extra tourism dollars.
For sure!!!
I agree man. If you're growing a couple clones in your house for personal use, no one is going to care and decriminalizing the stuff isn't going to change anything in reference to it. So why bother? Make it illegal for all the low-life dudettes trying to make it rich growing huge amounts of it, (not hard actually, heh heh) and turn the other cheek for simple people using the stuff on their time and own property. Just like it is now. Why complain? Out of principle? Its EASY to get, EASY to grow, and HARD to get caught firing up, so why the rush/need to change the status quo?
08-19-04, 04:41 AM
Everythings bad for you. MJ leaves me still mostly coherent and without a hangover, and I get some of my most creative ideas after tokin a jay. But, there is a point of psychological additction with marijuana, even if there is no physiological addicition, as well as the fact that most people smoke it, and lung cancer sucks.
Some people use these vaporizer thingies, maybe someday Ill get to try one, but there is no smoke, only inhaling the vapors with the active properties of whatever you put in them, in the case of pot that would be THC.
Im shocked no one has mentioned the "gateway drug" theory. I personally think Im far more willing to do stupid things and try new things I normally wouldnt when ive been drinking, as opposed to smoking, but I do feel that children and teenagers have no more business with mj than they do with alcohol or other illicit drugs, and that as adults we are capable of making a judgement about whether or not smoking an L is a bad idea. Kids on the other hand, without the life experience to make better decisions, could get themselves into a lot of trouble with MJ, and I do not advocate it as "ok." for everyone.
Bottom line, not for everyone, and not for kids, but it's ok in my book, and if someone passes a doobie my way, you can bet im gonna partake.
And HHW, I happen to agree with you. I feel one of the major reasons marijuana is still illegal is because the government cant think of an effective way to make money off it it, as it is so easy to cultivate. The other reason is what we know of carcinogens. If they had known 50 years ago what they know now about cigarettes, I doubt they would be legal. I dont think that they will legalize a substance which, if no other vices can be found, is a veritable welcome mat for carcinoma and other lung diseases. I don't put much stock in statistics, but I once heard smoking a jay is like smoking 30 filtered cigarettes. Pretty scary, eh.
But fortunately, I am a smoker of cigs, so my lungs are already ****ed. Therefore, I still enjoy a little herbal refreshment from time to time, and given the choice between a quarter and a bottle of booze, it would be MJ all the way for me.
Jeff- the bonuses of having it decriminalized would be that it would be much less expensive, or even free if you grew your own. The sheer illegality of it makes it insanely expensive, unless you buy really crappy pot, called schwag around here. The average stuff (midis) go for about 50 to 80 dollars for a quarter ounce. Thats a lot for a little teeny baggie of an herb. And there are even more expensive options than that. Also- the gov't would make sure people arent adding other things to it, which happens sometimes and adds an unpleasant danger factor to an otherwise relatively "harmless" substance. Id like to go to the 7-11 and buy a pack of jays for like 5 bucks, knowing what I was getting (for a more realistic price, to boot) and having it somewhat regulated.
Artemis ;)
In my opinion, it's not that there's "nothing wrong" with smoking pot...everything has it's pros and cons. But the cons are definitely over-stated and propagandized. Take the gateway drug theory for instance. That theory is that since a high percentage of cocaine and heroin users smoked pot before they started taking hard drugs, it's concluded that pot smoking leads to hard drug usage. It's the fallacy of equating corelation with causality. Do you kow what percentage of crack-heads started off on milk as wee babies? It's pretty much 100%. Think of the children...ban milk!
Anyway, the real point I want to make is that prohibition does WAY more harm than pot ever did or ever will. We learned from alcohol prohibition that we cant control the recreational consumption of drugs in a population, and we also learned that prohibition creates a black-market and creates the conditions necessary to support organized crime. Prohibition is putting thousands of people in jail...for what? burning a plant and breathing in the fumes? It costs billions of dollars in taxes to support prohibition, and meanwhile in both Canada and in the US education and health care are suffering from funding shortages. Prohibition antagonizes race relations. Blacks are jailed at disproportionately higher rates than whites for the same drug crimes. As bad as you might think pot is, think about what prohibition is costing you and your society.
Well, this is an interesting topic! I personally do not use MJ. I drink a little, and smoke ciggarettes, but drugs (hardocre or not) aren't for me.
My fiance, Trevor, is an avid smoker of MJ, and it bothers me. He is good to me in every other sense, but he has memory problems. He doesn't always remember the little things I tell him. He's losing his memory to the extent that he can hardly recall the things we did when we first met. Worst of all, he denies having any problems. He thinks his memory is fine, but it's not.
It hurts when I say to him, "Remember when we.....(fill in the blank)" and he'll say, "No, when did we do that??" Then I get called the 'crazy one'.
I love him dearly as he is, I chose to date him as he was, and I will never ask him to give up something that was in his life long before I was; but I suffer. It's said that the only person a 'drug-user' hurts is himself, and that's just not true.
I am scared someday I'll get in trouble with the law for knowing him, dating him, living with him, and for loving him. That is the main reason I am in favor of legalization... if people can't take life being sober that's their decision, but their friends and families shouldn't be at risk of getting 'caught' (guilty by association).
That's just my opinion on this subject, and I do have much more to say... but I'm supposed to be working! Interesting views, you guys! =)
08-19-04, 12:04 PM
I'm on the fence with this one, mainly because I have never tried it, or any other drug for that matter (excluding booze). Not for lack of opportunity, but I have never had the desire. Sure I am curious, but I am curious about a lot of things that I would never volunteer to try. I just don't think I need to do it, so I won't.
One point I haven't noticed in this thread was those who are "perma-fried". A former co-worker, guessing 28 yrs old) is in such a state. He was always slow witted it seemed, never seemed alert, had the "Beavis and Butthead"(sp?) laugh down pat. Just your average, stereotypical burn out. And then when he did get high, he went from a burnt out bump-on-the-log to raging idiot. There wasn't a good side to him. I partied with him twice (just to make sure the first was a one time event) and vowed never to do again. He never thought he smoked too much, so he never had any plans to quit or even tone it down a bit.
Yes, I know most people who smoke MJ are not “burn outs”. I have many friends that fit that description and are quite fun to be around. But, how would you know when you've crossed that line? Who would ever admit to being a burn out? I like that ad on TV with the kid finds his brother wallet in the laundry, talks about how his brother smokes pot and how he doesn't do anything bad. Then at the end he says, "He doesn't really do anything anymore." That was the co-worker. Get up, go to work, go home get high. Repeat. That was his life. I don't think he will recover from that state of mind. It probably came from many years of smoking, but that is a path I choose not to start.
Legalize it? Decriminalize it? Sure go for it, I still won't try it. It doesn’t matter too much to me who does smoke MJ. But I hope the government will figure how to tax the crap out of it, more than they do cigarettes.
Probably not a popular opinion, but that is mine.
**editted for spelling.**
08-19-04, 12:12 PM
Take the gateway drug theory for instance. That theory is that since a high percentage of cocaine and heroin users smoked pot before they started taking hard drugs, it's concluded that pot smoking leads to hard drug usage.
I was going to mention the whole gateway thing, but I decided not to. Going through highschool, I have seen many friends put their lives down the drain, from my perspective to be 'cool.' As a statistic, I would say 70% of my friends who started smoking marijuana have gone on to to harder drugs, such as extacy or cocaine. However, the majority of other known pot smokers in my age level that are not as close as friends as these, often stick to MJ alone. It has come to the point where I have lost friends, and prefer not to be around friends because I do not want to be anywhere close to that kind of stuff. Still, I look over each one of these individuals and I am confident that MJ is not a gateway drug. I look over them and see that throughout the eight years I have known this group of people, they have always been the ones to do anything possible to be 'cool.' Its kind of a complicated thing, but we were / are (in some cases) a huge group of friends that have been together from Grade 1 back in St. Joachims Catholic school. It has, unfortunately, been torn apart by something like this. My best friend smokes weed, and he always promised me that he would never try anything else. Just from his personality, I knew this wouldn't hold and it didn't.
Still, like I said I still don't believe it is a gateway drug - people who go onto harder drugs would have gone to that point whether or not marijuana existed. That is my opinion. It all starts with being 'cool' in highschool, which eventually turns into a group of crack heads.
I see what you're saying though David, since alcohol is legal and M is not. Alcohol can be just as dangerous if misused, I've known enough alcoholics to see that.
I have a hard time putting MJ on the same lines as alchohol just from what I have witnessed so far in my life. Just the line 'just as dangerous.' In my opinion, marijuana is definitely not on the same scale as alchohol, it is much lower. Within my entire family (an italian one, so you know it's big) I have had three instances of families being torn apart over alchoholism. Its a rough thing, and I try to stay as far away from the stuff as possible. Now we all know how it is being a teenager, and I wont say I have never had alchohol before, but believe me it is not a common sight in my life. I hate the stuff. I know it is perfectly fine when used in moderation, like 90% of the population does, but knowing what COULD happen, I just do not want to take that risk. Now as far as MJ goes, I know successful veterinarians, successful doctors and a lawyer who still to this day smoke MJ. I think unfortunately, things just get out of hand sometimes...
08-19-04, 12:14 PM
One point I haven't noticed in this thread was those who are "perma-fried". A former co-worker, guessing 28 yrs old) is in such a state. He was always slow witted it seemed, never seemed alert, had the "Beavis and Butthead"(sp?) laugh down pat.
I have found these type of people are the ones who get stoned on a daily basis. It's all about being responsible, I have friends' parents who smoke MJ like one drinks beer. You don't drink before work, you don't drink after work. You drink in moderation.
08-19-04, 12:19 PM
One point I haven't noticed in this thread was those who are "perma-fried". A former co-worker, guessing 28 yrs old) is in such a state. He was always slow witted it seemed, never seemed alert, had the "Beavis and Butthead"(sp?) laugh down pat.
I have found these type of people are the ones who get stoned on a daily basis. It's all about being responsible, I have friends' parents who smoke MJ like one drinks beer. You don't drink before work, you don't drink after work. You drink in moderation.
Yes, I know most people who smoke MJ are not “burn outs”. I have many friends that fit that description and are quite fun to be around. But, how would you know when you've crossed that line? Who would ever admit to being a burn out? I like that ad on TV with the kid finds his brother wallet in the laundry, talks about how his brother smokes pot and how he doesn't do anything bad. Then at the end he says, "He doesn't really do anything anymore." That was the co-worker. Get up, go to work, go home get high. Repeat. That was his life. I don't think he will recover from that state of mind. It probably came from many years of smoking, but that is a path I choose not to start.
You can find the same thing in alchoholics - they get up, have a beer, go to work, have a few beers at lunch time, go home, get loaded, repeat. I guess the whole point of my thread was wondering why we can accept a substance like alchohol, but there is a good part of the population who shun users of MJ.
08-19-04, 12:26 PM
I agree with people being burnt out but it isn't permanent. If they were to quit for a couple of weeks they wouldn't be burnt at all. I'm sure your memories will still be vague but not close to as vague if you go on drinking binge. If someone were to drink for two weeks straight and someone else smoke pot for two weeks straight, the pot smoker would remember much more (my experience/opinion). Not that, that makes it right to abuse either for two weeks...... but I feel someone can be a chronic marijuana smoker and function in society, where as a chronic alcoholic cannot.
I smoke a fair amount of pot on a regular basis. I would have to say the worst side effect and biggest downside I have found, is how unmotivated it makes you.
If it weren't for that I would probably smoke a lot more.
Luckily, my fiance isn't a 'burn-out' there would be no appeal to him. He is witty, funny, hyper, and super fun to be around, even when he is 'high'. I still don't like the memory loss, which is a known side effect and hasn't even been addressed here.
Lyndon, I agree with you... legailize it, then tax the hell out of it!! =)
08-19-04, 12:33 PM
Samba, I had read that you only have a bad memory when you are intoxicated, and that in most cases, when you are off marijuana your memory is renewed, but again maybe I am wrong.
You may be right... but I know that MJ has caused a significant memory loss in my fiance. It was cute at first, but now it hurts... he can't remember what we did on our last anniversary, etc. Oh well... I've been taught that THC does cause memory loss while attending high school and in college. I tend to trust what my professors say...
Samba: This is meant as spirited debate, not as an attack, so please take it in that spirit. I find it a bit funny that you admit to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, and then say drugs aren't for you. Guess what? You are already addicted to a recreational drug (nicotine), and you are an occasional user of another (alcohol). While the pros and cons are different for each recreational drug out there, there is no fundamental difference between them.
Memory loss: My memory is extremely bad. I often dont remember things from back when my wife and I were dating. It has nothing to do with drugs. I have a bad memory, and it was a long time ago. I've seen plenty of references to studies showing that pot causes temporary short term memory loss, but I've never seen any studies showing long-term or permanent memory loss from smoking pot. Not to say there are no such studies...I dont know for sure. I do know that aging causes long-term memory loss. We all age. ;)
First off, I know that I use 'drugs' we all do... even if taking an aspirin for a headache... we have ALL used drugs at some point or another. The way I separate this is: what I do is legal. It is not against the law. I won't go to jail for it..
As for aging causing memory loss... I think it important to tell you that Trevor and I are only 24!!! It's not like he's 50 and going through a natural process!!
I'm not aware of specific studies on MJ and memory loss but we all know they're linked.
BTW I'm not trying to attack anyone or thing, I am just voicing my opinions, as requested. I felt this was a significant related issue that hadn't been brought up.
I'm not really against MJ; for the people who want to use it, it doesn't bother me, I just choose not to have that for myself.
P.S. Drinking in moderation has been proven to beneficial to the body...
Thanks for your comments. =)
Originally posted by tHeGiNo
Samba, I had read that you only have a bad memory when you are intoxicated, and that in most cases, when you are off marijuana your memory is renewed, but again maybe I am wrong.
I have a horrible memory.. And I know why... And I haven't touched the stuff in close to 6 years..
Originally posted by Samba
You may be right... but I know that MJ has caused a significant memory loss in my fiance. It was cute at first, but now it hurts... he can't remember what we did on our last anniversary, etc. Oh well... I've been taught that THC does cause memory loss while attending high school and in college. I tend to trust what my professors say...
Are you sure it's not just because he's a guy? :P
As far as I know, marijuana only affects short-term memory.
08-19-04, 01:17 PM
First off, I know that I use 'drugs' we all do... even if taking an aspirin for a headache... we have ALL used drugs at some point or another. The way I separate this is: what I do is legal. It is not against the law. I won't go to jail for it..
Alchohol was illegal at one point :P.
You're right, guys don't remember anything... LOL J/K =)
Yeah, but he's been smoking it 'long-term' LOL I don't know any specifics, but I'm sure no one will disagree that his memory would be better if he hadn't been smoking it for years and years... =)
The Gino - Not really getting what you're trying to say... Alcohol is legal now. I'm FOR the legalization of MJ, and just because I don't use it doesn't make me against everyone who does...
08-19-04, 01:43 PM
This is deffinately interesting. I have tried it, and discovered that not only does it make me feel absolutely nothing, but I also have an aggressive allergy to the crap (when in my body, otherwise I am fine).
Now my poor hubby can't even breathe any of the stuff (eg. if someone is sitting outside smoking it an we are nearby), and he becomes violently ill.
I don't support the idea of the government getting involved with regulating it (look at what happened when they regulated tabacco), but also couldn't care less if they legalized it. As long as I don't have to breathe it in while in public, then whatever.
I have also known too many people who feel that pot excuses them from being responsible - the owner of a small store going into the back to smoke up during business hours (with customers in the place), the mechanic who is constantly high and can't remember where he put that blowtorch, the teen who started on pot just "for fun" and is now a full-blown heroine addict, or the single mom who sells it and smokes it daily, only to beat on her tiny children afterwards (and yes, the police were called many many many times, yet she still has custody of the kids and just had her fourth). Too many people use it as an excuse (for whatever reason). Thats what I hate about the use of pot.
Other than that I really don't care what anyone does.
TK :p
NOTHING above moderation is good for you.
If you drink, that's fine....but getting loaded out of your mind each night is irresponsible and leads to other problems. Same as marijuana. A joint now and again is fine with me, but I don't get high everyday and try to work and care for my house. It just doesn't work that way.
But I feel sickened that booze is legal, while MJ is not.
It really literally makes me sick that society as a whole thinks its PERFECTLY acceptable to have a drink after work, but if a neighbor came up to my house after I get off work and sees me smoking a joint, I am suddenly "a drug addict"
08-19-04, 02:07 PM
Marisa, that ideology is the exact reason behind my post. Capsicum, I totally agree on the whole excuse thing. My mom is always watching these law shows, like Cold Case Files and City Confidential, and I am always hearing these murderers saying "I had been smoking marijuana and didn't know what I was doing." Like, give me a break...
Marisa, I agree with all you say.
It is sick to know that alcohol causes, fights, deaths, accidents and embarassments, yet is legal. MJ tends to calm, relax and usually persons who are high couldn't fight if they wanted to.
It should be regulated, in my opinion.
Agree with you Samba....regulate it just like booze....sell it whatever you want....but STOP pretending that having a drink after work vs. having a joint after work is different.
08-19-04, 03:05 PM
So true Marisa! No difference except that one was once illegal and one still is. No difference in that way.
08-19-04, 03:27 PM
Why do I get the feeling that Ricky, Julian and Bubbles are reading over this thread :p
08-19-04, 03:55 PM
How could you regulate a plant?! That's why it's 'illegal' ...the government cannot regulte it, cannot profit from it so they make it illegal.
I do agree that smoking pot as a young adult will cause short term memory loss. I grew up in a home where both my parents had smoked ever since I can remember and I too experimented at an early age and it messed up my ability to concentrate and remember things.
But in other ways it taught me a lot. Opened many things that expanded my imagination, the creative process and my ability to tranfer this into my artwork.
08-19-04, 04:04 PM
One of the side affects of marijuana in clinical studies is short term memory loss, from chronic use.
I think that you all shouldn't give Samba crap, either. Potheads and recreational use are 2 completely different things. I know exactly what she is talking about. I agree that it could be compared to alcholism. Some people can have a few drinks once in a while and not ever struggle with dependency, some people become alcoholics. MJ works much the same way, some people, as one poster mentioned, live quite successful and "normal" lives, and some people become slaves to their substance of choice.
I think it has a lot to do with personality types, and circumstances. Some people have "addictive personalities" (a clinical term that I did not invent) and are prone to becoming dependent on lots of things, not just (but including) drugs.
Thanks, Art, I'm glad that someone shares my views and offers support.
You know, for the longest time I felt "left out" whenever Trevor smoked... but then I tried it and didn't like it. After awhile I realized he is still the same person... And I did CHOOSE to be with him regardless. I just don't think I should be considered 'guilty by association' should something happen someday. That's really only my biggest fear...
Thanks again =)
I dont know why I never saw this thread before but Im completely in support of decriminalization and regulation. If there is a system in place to regulate the sale, and take the money away from serious offenders of other drugs not just MJ then im all for it.
As far as short term memory, MJ really does effect you more than you will know. Already at 20 ive noticed that im not as sharp as I used to be. I have many friends that are huge potheads and Marijuana really does effect you down the road. One of the many reasons ive cut down on such use.
As Artemis said some people can live normal lives, but its when pot becomes apart of all activities in ones life when it becomes a problem. As the saying goes, if every story you tell begins with, "This one time I was high and..." you are a pothead.
Everyone is talking about how it effects you later in life, causes this problem and that, but NONE of this matters in regards to pot regulation....WHY? Because booze can and does WAY worse every single day in North America, yet its still legal and not a "drug" in societies eyes. Its 100% hypocricey (sp)
Jessica G
08-19-04, 06:02 PM
I have to agree with ,I don't want to be around someone smoking. It dosn't matter what they are smoking.
I'm not saying people who smoke are BAD people. My family smokes. People complain about 2nd hand smoke now. What is going to happen with Pot???
If it's going to be legal Tax it like every other thing gets taxed..
I do think it all repends on the person. But, if it's harder to find sometime people won't go thru the effert to get it.
On the other hand I can understand the feeling of Atleast knowing what you are buying. In stead of worring about getting caught.
Nothing is good if it's done to much. I just think if you smoke pot you don't think you smoke to much.. That's just how it seems..
I'm just talking not putting anyone down:D
08-19-04, 06:33 PM
Jeez, can't believe I missed this thread. And it hasn't gotten out of hand at all. Kudos everyone.
Back a couple of pages it was mentioned that eating pot in capsules woulld get the posters friends blitzed. Everything I've read on THC says that it's requires a temperature of 150 degrees to catalyze into a substance that we can process. That's why it has to be smoked, baked, or vaporized.
I tested this by chewing down a couple of grams, uncooked. :D Zero effect.
Regarding memory, I've seen statement s saying that it causes memory loss, and others that say it doesn't.
I tend to believe more recent publications that say that it doesn't in the long term but it flip-flops often enough it's hard to tell.
There were studies done with alcohol to see why blackouts occur, and the theory presented was that your memory is encoded with a key, and that when you drink too much alcohol that key becomes scrambled. So you can't recall memories that were shuffled into the long term while you were drunk. BUT they found that when the test subjects were drunk again, they could remember things they had done before. Kind of neat really.
I've known a few "burnouts", or "chronics" and one was a culinary student with high marks, though people always assumed he was brain dead. Others have been barely functional.
If I were to hazard a guess on why some people become barely functional, it would have to do with the amount of time spent high in an unstimulating state versus that spent in a normal state where the brain is exercised. But that's a purely unscientific opinion.
I don't have a problem with people doing ANY drugs, provided that their use of said drugs do not infringe on my rights in any way. Moderation is the key anyway.
If you want to inject heroin into your arm, at least you should be given the opportunity to get untainted product and have addiction services available without and stigma attached.
And to close, I drink beer occasionally, and enjoy smoking marijuana, often before bed to help with my insomnia. Or sometimes just to relax while surfing or playing games. I try to avoid posting to forums while under such influence :D
I tried growing my own plants (2 of them) from seeds before but both times my cat ate them in the seconds I had my back turned while transferring them from the germination tray to a planter.
Maybe he was just looking out for my well-being :)
08-19-04, 07:45 PM
hahaha! Or maybe the cat knows what's up ;)
08-19-04, 08:03 PM
I tested this by chewing down a couple of grams, uncooked.
tried growing my own plants (2 of them) from seeds before but both times my cat ate them in the seconds I had my back turned while transferring them from the germination tray to a planter.
How could you regulate a plant?! That's why it's 'illegal' ...the government cannot regulte it, cannot profit from it so they make it illegal.
Ummm, ever hear of a substance called tobacco aka. cigarettes :P.
What is the point ? I really don't understand the point of smoking, somone said it isn't addictive up there I didn't even read the whole post, my uncle has been smoking for 70 years (since he was 13) and he still says it isn't addictive and he can quit when ever he wants, regardless of the fact that he now has emphazema, and is having a lot of trouble breathing, people are going to say its a totally different substance, my point being is that high isn't enough to make me risk health problems like that....I have better things to do like watch homer simpson strangle his son :P. I really don't see the point plus, the loss of coordination after smoking just 1 joint is like drinking a few beers ? have you ever seen the commercial where the guys hit there brothers, or hit little girls on bikes ? Well they're not lying, it DOES happen, it recently happened in philadelphia, little 4 year old on her bike hit by a car killed instantly. I don't know about you, but I don't think I would call that "recreational smoking" guys im not trying to do any bashing, its just my honest opinion I have my right to mine as you do to yours..... no bashing here guys :)
edit- not to mention the $$$ and hassel of getting this stuff
08-19-04, 08:18 PM
Ixi- its ok, and I will answer the questions.
The point is, it gets you high. Otherwise no one would bother. It is not physiologically addictive (as are cigarettes, which actually alter your brain chemistry and cause you to crave nicotine) but it can be psychologically addictive.
Marijuana does different things to different people, and you are right, I am sure that there are some instances where people have harmed others while under its influence, such as while driving. MJ, like alcohol, should still be used responsibly, if at all.
I guess ultimately I feel that whether it continues to be illegal, or is decriminalized, people will use it either way. Perhaps more people would use it if was no longer illegal, but either way it's still gonna be out there.
And MJ isnt like tobacco in terms of regulation. It would be dagone hard to grow, cure, cut and roll your own tobacco cigs. MJ is much easier to cultivate and requires no chemical or physical processing to consume. If I could grow my own legally, I wouldnt need to buy it, and therefore I wouldnt be paying taxes on it.
One could argue that the convenience of not having to grow it would encourage people to buy it and just deal with having to pay the taxes on it- but given it's ease of cultivation and the likely high asking price should it be legalized, I think most people would still opt to grow.
And Ixi- while those public service announcements may not be "lying," they do tend to be a bit extreme.
08-19-04, 08:26 PM
somone said it isn't addictive up there I didn't even read the whole post, my uncle has been smoking for 70 years (since he was 13) and he still says it isn't addictive and he can quit when ever he wants
Alchohol isn't addictive, yet some become alchoholics and drink often to the point of their death. See my point? As Artemis said, it like alchohol is not physiologically addictive, it is psychologically addictive.
have you ever seen the commercial where the guys hit there brothers, or hit little girls on bikes ? Well they're not lying, it DOES happen
LMFAO! Please tell me the commercial shows them hitting these people with cars, and not phsyically with their body. If so, that is exactly the type of thing that inspired this post - that is ridiculous, and not reality.
08-19-04, 08:45 PM
I think a major concern that I havent seen mentionned is pot as a gateway drug. It makes it easier to try other drugs once you have accepted smoking pot.
I have never been tested, but I am pretty sure I am in that 10% of people that are highly suceptible to addiction.
I grew up on the shores of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron, where there is often nothing for youth to do, so many turn to drugs. I sure did, in a big way. I started smoking pot at 13 on a daily basis. Through High school I tried many other drugs. PCP, Acid, Mushrooms, Mesqualline. I somehow got into university and kept the same pattern, then flunked out after 2 years.I have no regrets. I have now been semi- clean for nearly 2 years( I never buy, just puff at parties if it is passed my way). I just got sick of the whole scene, and I was suffering mentally and physically. (all self diagnosed), so I just quit. I returned to University last year and got an A- average. Many of my friends in university smoked as much as I did, and graduated in 4 years with great marks. many of my best friends still smoke several times a day.
so after that long story, my opinion is this, decriminalization is the way to go. Not Legalization. Legalization would get bogged down in all the buracracy of taxation and regulation that has already been discussed.
Decriminalization means pot smokers could puff without the fear of court dates, or jail tems for repeat offences, but also lets the government maintain its stance that it is not a good thing. not for everyone.
Now I live with and really enjoy a new addiction, REPTILES!!!!!!
I also enjoy a good case of beer from time to time.
I just want to knwo what gets you started? im 13 and have never had any inkling(my word :P ) of a thought to try it or any other drugs. (beleive me they are very eisy to buy) I just want to steer clear of this kinda thing. (for now ;) )
Sad, but one child killed by someone in a car who was apparently "high" does not spell out mass danger to society. I believe cell phones are probably attributed to more accidents than marijuana. Although I don't think there are any statistic to prove that, its pretty obvious that marijuana causes less accidents than cell phones, or booze. Hell, if we ban everything because one person got hurt, no one would be allowed to eve walk outside, as everything could be seen as a potential danger.
I am not saying MJ is trouble free, good for everyone, HAS its problems and some people over use. But when compared to drinking, and many other legal things in society, its ridiculous to spend millions a year fighting marijuana while the others are legal.
08-19-04, 11:16 PM
I just want to knwo what gets you started? im 13 and have never had any inkling(my word :P ) of a thought to try it or any other drugs. (beleive me they are very eisy to buy) I just want to steer clear of this kinda thing. (for now )
A lot of time its peer pressure, curiosity, or a combination of the two. Think about a successful future, and remember that four years of highschool being 'cool' isn't worth throwing your life away. After highschool, these 'friends' who get you into this stuff have nothing to do with you, or your life, and the majority of the time you won't see eachother again. Keep that in mind.
08-19-04, 11:18 PM
I would say that driving under the influence of ANYTHING should negate your car insurance. This includes the greeen. For sure. If your judgement is impaired or slowed and you cause an accident, why the heck should the insurance (eventually the rest of the peeps buying the insurance) people have to pay? Being fried does impare judegement. People are bad drivers as it is, why make it legal to add another negative aspect to their driving. Just because it doesn't "kill" as many people as another substance/action, does that mean its just brushed aside? LOL! That's not really wise.
Assault kills less people than murder, so should assault be legal?
I'm not sure on the legalization issue at first it seems like an ok things to legalize it...but once it is legalized do you think it will actually be safe for anyone to drive? I have personally used it in the past (and no longer use it), I had no trouble quitting therefore I do not find it addictive...but I wouldn't even think of driving while stoned. If it's legalized, chances are that cigarette companies will take up the responsibility of having it commercially available and possibly add a surefire addictive substance into it...
I feel alcohol is much worse then MJ...but that being said, I don't know if that is reason enough to legalize it, you have to take other things into consideration...that's all I can say on the issue without getting political...
08-19-04, 11:41 PM
I didn't read the whole post...Yet at least. It's too late at night and it would take forever.
As far as the gateway drug... i truly don't belive that. My first gateway drug was LMAO as typing this. It was when i was a child and i would spin and spin in circles then fall over and my head would be all dizzy, then when it passed i would do it all over again and again. People may think that's silly, but in reality that really is your first "high". Not only that next came chocolate (one of my personal faves) then caffine, all i know is don't talk to me until i have my first soda unless you wanna little attitude. So as far as MJ as a gateway drug i don't buy it!!! Then again that's just my opinion...
Also in my own opinion alchohol is so much worse than MJ. Don't feel like explain myself, cause i don't feel like bringing back old memories that i try to forget (HUGE family problems), but from my personal life experinces i HATE alchohol!!!! I can't stand to be around drunks nor would i chose to date one. I also havn't drank in over 5 years, since before my 21st b-day. I can't even go to bars or clubs anymore, cause all i do is get really pissed off and feel like strangling them. Maybe it's just me growing up or i just relized how much of an @$$ people are when they're drunk.
Anyway back to the subject, I think it should be legilized, but agian that's just me, i have my reasons but seeing as family members browse this site i can't really state my reasons incase they look over this thread. LOL
08-20-04, 12:26 AM
I'm not sure on the legalization issue at first it seems like an ok things to legalize it...but once it is legalized do you think it will actually be safe for anyone to drive? I have personally used it in the past (and no longer use it), I had no trouble quitting therefore I do not find it addictive...but if it's legalized, chances are that cigarette companies will take up the responsibility of having it commercially available and possibly add a surefire addictive substance into it...just another thing to think about...
When Jeff mentioned that, I was going to say something, and now thats two people so why not. If you think clearly about what you are saying, it doesn't really make sense. People are smoking marijuana now, in an illegal state, and most likely there are some driving under the influence. Why would legalization increase the amount of drivers under the influence? I am sure laws would be similar to that of alchohol.
I actually did a survey, including 250 people that supposedly do not smoke marijuana, for a school project...but it may not be accurate because some people just may not want to admit smoking marijuana, these were the 2 highest percentage answers:
1. They have no interest-46%
2. Fear of being caught by law/parents-42%
The other possible answer was "fear of becoming addicted" and it only got 12%.
They can measure how much alcohol you have drank, but drug tests only show whether you have used drugs or not, not how high you actually are, therefore the road laws themselves couldn't be similar...I can't see how they can form a "legal limit" because there is no way of measuring how much pot you have smoked.
08-20-04, 01:04 AM
True, but with MJ, it is more of a you are either high or you aren't high type of thing, with alchohol its a different situation.
I kind of disagree with I said earlier, I have smoked pot in my past...and not exactly a small amount either...and there have been plenty of times where I just got a bit of a buzz from a small amount of pot, there also have been a few times where I have smoked quite a bit and had a lot of trouble avoiding simple objects in the middle of a floor such as a shoe... I've had friends tell me that they smoked so much they had problems even standing up...
To generalize and say either you are high or you aren't isn't really that accurate, it's just your personal experiences, but with my experiences, I have flat out found what you say to be untrue.
08-20-04, 01:14 AM
My point was, if you have smoked any marijuana, you should not be driving. As opposed to with alchohol, there generally isn't a problem with having a beer then driving.
08-20-04, 01:16 AM
People are smoking marijuana now, in an illegal state, and most likely there are some driving under the influence. Why would legalization increase the amount of drivers under the influence? I am sure laws would be similar to that of alchohol.
People are killing people in an illegal state right now. Legalize murder and I'd think that there's be a few more homocides, don't you think? Legalize pot smoking while driving, and insurance will go through the ROOF. And who pays? People that don't smoke up, because the people that do are all at home jones-n' for chips and chocolate bars. LOL!!
Doritos anyone? Coooool Ranch is tops! :D
Originally posted by tHeGiNo
My point was, if you have smoked any marijuana, you should not be driving. As opposed to with alchohol, there generally isn't a problem with having a beer then driving.
I agree with that fully, but unfortunately a lot of people that smoke pot do not...
I read my other post and feel that it may come off sort of offensive...I had not intended for it to be that way at all. :)
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
the people that do are all at home jones-n' for chips and chocolate bars. LOL!!
Doritos anyone? Coooool Ranch is tops! :D
LOL!! :p
08-20-04, 01:28 AM
Hahaha, Jeff only you can make me laugh at 3 in the morning. That analogy was over-doing it, common now, you can think of something better then that :P.
Legalize pot smoking while driving, and insurance will go through the ROOF.
Sorry I think you misunderstood me, I meant that you would NOT be allowed to smoke and drive, and you would NOT be allowed to smoke in public aside from designated areas - similar to the laws on alchohol. Anyhow, NO POLITICS! :D
08-20-04, 02:50 AM
How would they police whether or not you are driving stoned?
But I'm with the majority. Legalize it. And while we're at it, drop the legal drinking age to 16!! ;)
08-20-04, 03:31 AM
One thing I do not know or think anyone posted is that when someone with a disabilitty lthat allows some pot to be given. Well if this is legalized for people with problems like arthritis, cancer, lekeumia or something that effects the joints and the mind. A person like this will be able to get 6 pounds! This is more then enough to sell to pot smokers that have no disabilities or diseases... Which would lead to a large portion of curious or plain out stoners to spread the weed around allover. Where we would have a
very large portioj of this world could be stoners. I personally have seen my old friends back in higschool smoke bud alot, as well as seeing them do it in middleschool. I have rejected about over 40 times they have asked me... I personally would not like to live in a world full of stupid stoners that constantly thinking about there next hit... I do not put down people who smoke weed as I have over 12 friends who do this. Aswell as my family. But I just do not want to live in a world full of duhhh Wheres the joint type mostly every where... Pot is addictive. Kind of like sex. They are not something you would think would be addictive but it feels so good that you keep wanting more. Even if you think that you will quit
with ease it does not exactly happen that easily too much. I have watched all 12 of my friends have said oh I am done with pot... i just sell it now. But later in the next day or two they say hey man! Wanna finish this joinjt with me? I say hey I thought you quit. They say aww man I just gotta blow some steam off dude, I will quit in a week. Again they did it in less then the week. Any ways alot of this may seem offtopic in a way.
08-20-04, 09:49 AM
I think being addicted to MJ totally depends on the person. I've smoked MJ off and on for almost 20 years now and have gone many, many years without even so much as thinking about it. To the point where I'll be around friends who are smoking and have passed it up without so much as a thought. So with my own experience MJ is not addicting.
BUT, then there's my mother.... She is very addicted. She smokes from the time she gets out of bed right up until bedtime. She smokes to be normal. I think it's terribly sad. And in many ways feel as though I've lost the essence of her. When I was younger I used to get very angry with her because I could ~always~ tell when she had smoked, when she was high and it got to the point where I never saw her straight. She's lost and all I can do is accept that.
So it ~really~ depends on the person.
For me it's more like a plant that should be respected --like how the Native Americans view hallucinagenics-- used carefully and moderately.
For my mother--her use is out of control. She has no respect for herself or for the plant.
08-20-04, 09:53 AM
Herpslave, If what you said about marijuana addiction, and the effect legalization would have were true we would already have a burned out society, as there are a great many people who smoke it whether the law says they can or not.
These are not just people who work at McDonald's shoveling fries.
Doctors, lawyers, teachers. It's no different than those who partake of alcohol, or any other mind altering substance.
Some people turn to pot as a crutch, others turn to alcohol, or shopping. Heck, I know someone who would have been better off smoking weed to blow of steam as they are completely screwed financially because of compulsive shopping issues.
People should know their limits, and if they can't, seek help.
But I don't want the some politician telling me I can't do something in the privacy of my own home, simply because they do not agree with it. Be it drugs, kinky sex, or raising animals like our beloved herps.
So long as I do not violate your rights to live your life as you choose, then why should the government have any say in how I live mine.
As for the topic of driving mentioned in other posts, I support severe punishments for anyone involved in an accident while drunk, high, or talking on a cell phone. Cars are easily as dangerous as firearms, and should be handled responsibly when other people are at risk. So prosecute those who injuure others with the same zeal as those charged with firearms crimes.
--edited to direct post to user--
08-20-04, 10:06 AM
Well if this is legalized for people with problems like arthritis, cancer, lekeumia or something that effects the joints and the mind. A person like this will be able to get 6 pounds!
Six pounds? Where do you get this figure from. I am sure the first thing on the mind of an 80 year old woman is selling pot to teenagers :P.
Yeah that's ridiculous.
As far as driving goes, again cellphones probably cause more accidents at this point than marijuana does. There are no figures to back this up, but I think everyone knows someone who has had a problem either driving while talking on the phone, or a problem with someone else driving and on the phone. I don't hear too many wild car crashes due to marijuana at this point.
And while this is NOT TRUE for everyone, sometimes people I know drive while high, and in my circle of friends the opposite happens...they drive TOO SLOW! As we all know this can cause problems as well, but at least its not the swerving, high speed fatal crashes that booze causes.
Cruciform is SO right about his statement as well. If you think it's only "druggies" and Mcdonalds workers smoking pot, THINK AGAIN. Take this past weekend for instance....I actually ended up smoking with two people who both have HIGH level for a MAJOR film company (canadian "branch") and the other works in government. Both smoke Marijuana on weekends sometimes, but in all other aspects these are hard working, normal, law abiding people.
It's NOT just losers and druggies who smoke people. WAKE UP! Marijuana is hiding in many more homes than you think. I believe just recently they stated that marijuana use is up by TONS in the past decade compared to the 1980's in Canada. Why? Personally I believe its because unlike booze, you can enjoy marijuana without feeling like crap the next day, without wanting to fight or wreck something, without having to go to smelly smokey bar....etc. It's a personal choice.
The government has NO RIGHT putting it's nose into people business. If I want to do something that does NOT harm anyone else, does not cause a public safety issue then BUTT OUT government!
08-20-04, 01:37 PM
Herpslave I respect your ideals but you should do some research if you are going to make a bold statement like that. Anyone who has tried pot knows that most of what you said is very biased and exaggerated.
08-20-04, 01:52 PM
oh-by the way-
My mother has a very respectible job in which she has held for over 20 years.
08-20-04, 02:26 PM
My friend james is a math teacher. My friend kace is a counselor. I don't know where you got from me that I said only low lifes smoke pot. But I did not mean to say that. My friends all have been so messed up by this crap that most of them were expelled from school, because of smoking it 3 times in school when being caught and warned first. 9 of my friends were expelled to be exact. Where they not only had to redo that grade but could not be in the district. So
they would have to just goto another school thats even more worse in security. So they can just do it outside at lunch anytime they want. On the 80 year old thing, some people are greedy.
My grandmother has quit mj. But has been selling it for 20 years! She is 83. Age does not really matter. It's the money factor. The feel of needing money, as someone else feels the need for weed. If something like this happened all over the world everywhere which would be very possible. Not everyone would smoke ofcoarse but a dense population would.
Symptoms I have seen are ghost spit, smell like weed, blood shot eyes, droopy eyes, burnouts, plain lazyness with all these symptoms, forgetting things like words, things to do and alot of other things.
08-20-04, 10:16 PM
My friend james is a math teacher. My friend kace is a counselor. I don't know where you got from me that I said only low lifes smoke pot. But I did not mean to say that. My friends all have been so messed up by this crap that most of them were expelled from school, because of smoking it 3 times in school when being caught and warned first. 9 of my friends were expelled to be exact. Where they not only had to redo that grade but could not be in the district
And you blame this on MJ? I blame it on sheer stupidity.
08-20-04, 10:28 PM
I blame it on both. Stupidity and mj.
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