View Full Version : fertility question

08-18-04, 11:18 PM
I have two adult female 3 toed box turtles that I just got earlier this year. The one female has laid two fertile clutches, while the other has laid two infertile clutches. The female who has laid infertile clutches is more active and has a bigger appetite. Does anyone know why she is laying infertile clutches, or has anyone had a similar problem? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

08-18-04, 11:49 PM
Well ... first of all, do you know for sure that she was exposed to a male? Even if you have a male boxie he isn't necessarily the one who fertilized the other female's eggs. Female box turtles are capable of holding fertile sperm for a very long time so she could have been exposed to a fertile male that the other one hasn't long before you received either.

08-19-04, 05:11 PM
Yes, they both have mated with my male 2 times and have both laid they're eggs about 3-4 weeks later. But maybe you are correct. Possibly my male is not fertilizing the females and the one female is using previous sperm to fertilize her eggs.
Thanks for the suggestion,