View Full Version : would this cage work for adult mex black?

08-16-04, 09:46 AM
Would this cage work for an adult mexican black kingsnake:


I know 24x24x12 would be better but many breeders keep them in 28q rubbermaids thats messure alot less than this. Thats why i asked...

08-16-04, 10:31 AM
Yeah, that would be fine unless you end up with a REALLY big snake! :)

08-16-04, 11:11 AM
At 24 X 12 floor space would be adequate for a 3 foot snake, as cage length plus width equal to the length of the snake is a good general guideline. It is possible a mexican black would exceed that size by the time it is an adult.

The 24 X 24 offers a bit more floor space, but the square design is not as good for colubrids, in my opinion. If you are going to add an extra foot, better to go longer than square. It makes keeping a heat gradient easier and gives them some space to stretch out. Even if you don't see a lot of these guys in the daytime, we found that ours cruised the full cage pretty much every night.

good luck with your mexican black - they are great snakes,

mary v.

08-16-04, 11:48 AM
Oh, I thought it <b>WAS</b> 24x24 floor space.... my bad. Mary's right. :)

08-16-04, 11:50 AM
Thanks guys/girls :P

08-16-04, 07:14 PM
I've been looking into mex blacks, as well as brainstorming cage ideas. You can build two cages measuring 36x18x12 which would probably be pretty decent. I may be looking into this soon...

Good luck and have fun! (Considered building your own enclosures?)