View Full Version : I'll see you in my dreams

08-16-04, 09:19 AM
Who would ever know? The portuguese zombie movie "I'll see you in my dreams" was just now completed and was already rewarded with a gold medal from Fantasporto (Portugal) and Fantasia Festival (Canada). The cast includes actors Rui Unas and Sofia aparicio, both whom i've personally meet (Sofia filmmed with my snakes in some ocasions) and effects were done by SFX - Canada (X-men2, x-files, ect). Music includes songs by MOONSPEEL, a goth rock portuguese band.
I'm posting this since i've noticed there are plenty of horror movie fans in this forum.

09-02-04, 05:23 PM
Woah! That looks cool! I'll be sure to check it out, me being a horror addict and all. :D

09-02-04, 05:41 PM
Moonspell! They once were good then they went kinda industrial. Gotta check it out, just for the soundtrack.

09-02-04, 05:59 PM
Looks interesting, definitly going to check that out