View Full Version : Andean Milks?

08-16-04, 02:02 AM
What happened to them? Henry P used to have these beautiful the low low price of $100 each. So who'z got them now???

08-16-04, 10:46 AM

There are a few up here still breeding them, I can look up my contacts and foward them to you if you'd like.

I also know of a guy here out east breeding a huge andesiana female to a honduran!!!!! He has inquired about a hypo male to breed to his andean female and I've refused the sale based on knowing what he plans to do...Although Hybrid can be cool looking, I will always do my best to discourage such practice but this guy could not care less and would surely misrepresent any future hatchlings.

To each there own I guess.

Kevin McRae
08-16-04, 12:07 PM
Henry still has a 2003 Andean milk for 125.00$......

08-17-04, 12:21 AM
MarcB. That is absolutely terrible! I commend you for refusing the sale. I had to do the same when one guy wanted to breed my speckled king to his corn. There are simply not enough speckleds in Canada to justify doing that. Plus I was sure he woudn't bother to find her a male.

Kevin, just looked up Henry's page. Saw that Andean! Awesome!!

Luckily Walter hooked me up with a male and I am happy to have 1.1 adult speckled kings now.

08-17-04, 06:31 PM
Thanks for not taking that Andean Katt.

Did i mention i now need a male.


08-17-04, 06:54 PM
never heard of it, what does it look like?

08-17-04, 07:01 PM
I have several words for you, but oh well. It's ok that you stole that snake under my nose. You are after all trying to get as many milks as possible. :p

The milk I really want to get, Stuart's. <sigh>

Yeah I emailed Henry about her and he told me she was sold! Oh well, I'll wait til next year!

08-17-04, 08:18 PM
Katt, i red the post, looked at his site and enquired about the snake. I've been looking for them also. He told me it was available. I didn't steal anything. I'm sorry you feel that way.
Let me know if you want to purchase the snake and i'll tell Henry to let it go to you. By all means, she is yours if you want her but please dont hold any anomisity toward me.

Best Regards,


08-18-04, 01:11 AM
<laugh> I was teasing silly!!! No hard feelings were felt at all. Sorry I made you feel that way!! She's all yours man! Hehehehe.

08-18-04, 01:26 AM
Andeans fell out of popularity a few years back.
One of the first breeders was my friend Steve Hammack . They were first offered to me at 1000US less than a decade ago, but people realized they reproduced well, and while the babies look nice, adults are best compared to ugly hondurans, but not ugly enough to be completely melanistic like gaigeae.
Last I checked they were under 100US at American shows and many breeders have stopped producing them as there is no demand.
Oligizona falls into that same category.
One which is yet to make any appearance in herpetoculture is Micropholis. I'm not sure if its politics or geography that is the problem.
I used to breed stuarti.. Traded a clutch once for some of the first Brazilian rainbows in Canada
Where were you 15 years ago?LOL... I have pictures somewhere

08-18-04, 08:08 AM
Thanks Katt, If you find some stuarti, be sure to let me know. I'd like to get my hands on a pair of those also. I keep you in mind also if i find some.


Kevin McRae
08-18-04, 10:23 AM

Don't worry I'll PM you next time;)

08-18-04, 12:40 PM
<laugh> No worries!!! Henry said, he'd be breeding his female next year so no worries!! Maybe Classic can pick up his male then!!

I just like how big they get and no extra heating? Sweet!

So what if they're not hypo tangerine dream hondos. They're still neat.