View Full Version : How many snakes?

08-15-04, 02:51 AM
I realize this isn't the most original question ever, but I didn't find a similar topic through a search so I figured I'd start one up. I get the feeling that the people with the most snakes don't bother posting what they have in their sig :P

For people too lazy to do the arithmetic in mine, I have 12 right now... although I also have 2 others until I manage to sell them.

08-15-04, 03:11 AM
currently keeping 0.0.2 cal kings and 0.1.1 ball pythons.

08-15-04, 07:57 AM
Many ppl don't like to fully advertise everything they keep .. I don't tell many ppl .. only ppl I trust.. even if everything i keep i legal , It is just drawing attention ..

This year..
b4 breeding .. 10 adults 2 juvies
After breeding +23 babies.. All pythons (a rock and too many morelias)

08-15-04, 09:54 AM
Currently 42.. Mainly Boas and Pythons..

08-15-04, 01:51 PM

08-15-04, 02:19 PM
I have 1.1 snakes.

08-15-04, 02:24 PM

08-15-04, 03:56 PM
31 Bp's.

08-15-04, 04:08 PM

08-15-04, 04:11 PM
At this very moment, not counting hatchlings I plan to sell, I have:

35 Ball Pythons
7 Milksnakes - more to come in two weeks
5 Kingsnakes - more to come in two weeks
5 Cornsnakes - more to come in two weeks
2 Carpet Pythons - more to come in two weeks

That and 50-odd hatchlings. :)

08-15-04, 04:16 PM
6 Rattlesnakes
5 boas (getting rid of babies)
+2 colubrids (got rid of many)

13 snakes

08-15-04, 04:30 PM
5 corn snakes
2 ball pythons
1 carpet python (arriving next week)
1 braz. rainbow boa ( " )
9 snakes

08-15-04, 04:39 PM
I get asked that so often and I can never remember the actual number.
1.2 Hog Island Boas
1.1 Womas (for sale)
1.1 Albino cal kings (for sale)
1.0 Albino Ruthveni (for sale)
1.6 Ball pythons
1.0 JCP
and a couple newbies coming soon
so right now I have 16

burmese maniac
08-15-04, 06:00 PM
I have 12 but this is my fav..........http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/5498burm2.JPG

08-15-04, 06:03 PM
No idea...
it'll take me more than days or even weeks before I finish counting them.....
if I have to include the hatchlings....

burmese maniac
08-15-04, 06:04 PM
how about showing some pics of your babies???????

08-16-04, 02:13 PM
let's see. . .4 kings, a milk, 9 rats, 4 BCs, 2 bps, 3 pits, 2 garters, ribbon. . . 26. i expect to get a few more adults to add to projects this year.

08-16-04, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Simon
No idea...
it'll take me more than days or even weeks before I finish counting them.....
if I have to include the hatchlings....

Simon that's nutts! ba-hah!! Koodo's to you for all that hard work! When do you ever sleep man?

08-16-04, 08:49 PM
i only have 5 sadly :(
im just waiting till i move and than i can get my very own reptile room ;)


08-16-04, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by damzookeeper
Simon that's nutts! ba-hah!! Koodo's to you for all that hard work! When do you ever sleep man?

The average time when I go to bed is around 3-4am in the morning. Then I wakt up at 7am and take a nice shower and head to work~ LOL!

So yeah I do sleep~!! LOL!!!
Just not a really 'normal' amount.....

08-16-04, 11:49 PM

08-16-04, 11:57 PM
Simon that's just madness!!!

But it's good cause everytime I get a new snake I'm just gonna say to wifey "But...but...Simon's got a thousand snakes!"

08-18-04, 12:18 AM
Hrrm... when I started the thread, I was expecting to hear about several people with collections numbering in the hundreds.

Aside from Simon, with his VERY impressive 1,000, and Tim Cranwill, nobody seems to be even breaking the 50 mark. I'm sure those people are out there though... or perhaps all the really big breeders don't care to answer?

Great to hear from everybody so far though, helps to put my 12 in perspective. I think there's definitely room in my collection for some more snakes in the future... now if only there were room (or lack of it rather) in my wallet!!!

08-18-04, 01:10 AM
4, 0.1 boa 1.2 balls

08-18-04, 01:30 AM
I lied in my previous post. I have more than 2 snakes, and definintely more than 50. I have 13 corns alone! But please don't ask me to list them all.

I think that most people just don't want to show off. Reptile keeping used to be pretty underground. Not everyone is going to open up and tell all they got.

I would love to just have 20 or so snakes. What a cake walk!! One day to clean and feed! Awesome!! Stick with the few you've got. Once the numbers get too high, you start to not spend as much time with them and you don't get to know them individually. This is especially true when you work full time.

I take time every day, an hour, or two, or a whole evening to look in on my charges, especially "special" needs cases who must be checked on every day.

It's rewarding, but some days, having all these animals can be quite the baggage. Feeding them all, worrying about them all, cleaning them all!

08-18-04, 02:02 AM
Well, I'm not looking to get too crazy... I'm just starting off with ball pythons, but I'd like to eventually produce super pastels with a total of around 30 breeder stock, including absolutely everything. This involves the 10 that I have right now and 20 or so offspring I will keep across 2 generations.

The only other project I am planning to work on anytime soon is house snakes, mainly just the olive and red morphs for now.

My non-herper friends who see all my sterilite tubs think the 12 I have right now are a lot. But obviously, compared to some of the other people around here, that's just a drop in the bucket. On the other hand, I've seen collections numbering in the hundreds. I just wanted to a get a different perspective to help strike a balance somewhere in between. Realistically right now, I could properly attend to my entire collection in less than an hour a day, although I spend more time than that just because I want to. As a collection grows however, there's obviously some economies of scale. It obviously doesn't take anywhere near twice as much time to take care of two snakes as it does the first one alone. I definitely want to keep things fun, working only with snakes I am interested in with just enough to reasonably fulfill my project goals.

08-18-04, 05:03 AM
I think we are somewhere in the 25-30 range.. plus rats, gerbils, prairie dogs, etc etc..

08-18-04, 05:12 AM
I've got 6 at the moment, soon to be 8. I don't want to get higher than 20. But that is what I said with my leos and I have over 30 breeders and over 100 leos with babies. I'm cutting my leo collection down now to bring my snake collection up. I also recently cut my bearded collection down from 15 to my now permant 8. I hope. lol. It's hard when you do it alone, thank goodness my daughter has started helping me out with feeding, too bad I couldn't get her to do some cleaning. lol. It's a daily chore for the cleaning and feeding since I have over 100 cages to clean with all the herps but well worth the reward of having them and loving them. I don't want to get much bigger because I still spend time with my snakes and my fav. dragons and skinks, the leos don't get much hands on, nor the fat tials or cresteds (cresteds perfer it that way anyway. lol) But I know I'm getting to my limit now and have to stop my obsession. :D

For snakes I have 3 corns. I want 2 or 3 more.
I have 1 sinaloan milk. (that one is my daughter's) I want a pair of apricot pueblans.
2 balls. Normals.
and coming are a ksb and a hognose. I will eventually want to pair them up as well.
I'll never own hots or anything that is over 7 feet because my husband is terrified of snakes and I'm just lucky, and extremely happy to have the ones I do. :)