View Full Version : My first time...

08-14-04, 11:08 PM
Hey guys! Yes, actually I did fall off the face of the earth! (I know, I've been gone for ages!) But I'm back now and looking into getting my first T. But before I do that, I need to figure out where I can get some good info... a beginners guide, if you will. Any good resources yall can point me to?

I'm looking at possibly getting a "zebra" or A. seemani - anyone have experience with these?

thanks all!

08-15-04, 12:52 PM
We have 2 A. seemani , they are both a little skittish but they are good eaters and they are a lot of fun to watch when they are rearranging the cage. LOL! I don't know how they would be to handle, we haven't tried, they seem way to nervous for that.

08-15-04, 03:13 PM
A.seemanni are excellent spiders!
Here is a picture of my sKelly, next to her just molted skin.

She starts and jumps when touched, but I don't think she can help that. I think a lot of people mistake that reaction for aggression, or a possible problem. Mine is super handleable, once I ignore her jumpy reaction. I can pet her anywhere, or flip her on her back, and play with her feet.
Mine likes to dig and move stuff around, like carrying her water container from one end to the other. She's getting a bigger home soon.
You'll want to pick up the bible of T keeping:
The Tarantula Keepers Guide by Shultz
Its a nice addition to any library, and a good buy at around 20 bucks.
<img src="http://varanid.mvd2.com/files/dragoon/sKellymolt.jpg">

08-15-04, 04:57 PM
Thanks guys... and what a beauty! can't wait to get my baby!