View Full Version : ABETB question

08-14-04, 08:19 PM
I'm looking to get into ETB's but I prefer Amazon Basins. I have found a few but they seem a bit exorbitantly priced. I don't mind paying around $500 for a neonate but paying two to three thousand is kind of silly for a native species. Anyone have any basins for sale?

08-14-04, 08:26 PM
Hehe, i dont think you're going to find some basins for the price you want... If it was possible, i would surely have a basin myself! Good luck with your search!


08-14-04, 09:04 PM
for a native species.
Since you live in the amazon basin why not just go out and catch yourself one if you think quality breeder backed up with support CBB animals are too expensive for you.
I want a Harley but you'll never see me going into a dealership and telling them I want the best bike but will only pay half because that's what I think it's worth.

08-14-04, 10:30 PM
Check your dictionary if you want to piss around with terms BK, let me quote "an animal or plant that originated in a particular place"

Just a word of advice Trevor, if you walked into a Harley dealership and offered them half the asking price of the "best" model you would still be getting raped. I have owned two and I know.

08-14-04, 11:08 PM
Your location says Florida and you're calling Emerlads native species. Last time I checked Emeralds were not native to Florida. Even if they were they would still be worth every penny any hard working breeding honest breeder was asking for them.

08-14-04, 11:30 PM
What don't you understand? My refering to amazon basin emerald tree boa's as native species does not necessarily mean that they are native to my specific area but that they are a native indiginous species and not a "designer" product.

You are a moderator, right? What kind of personality test did you have to pass to obtain that lofty title? Whatever it was, it failed terribly.

08-14-04, 11:46 PM
I was certain that Raindog was wrong here and was already to quote my dictionary but than one of the possible meanings was From The New Lexicon Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language ~ Canadian Edition
Occurring in a pure state in nature, native silver

However in my experience native has been synonymous with indigenous and I would consider the ETB to be exotic.

08-15-04, 12:23 AM
Anyways, Raindog, if you want an Amazon Basin ETB under a few thousand bucks, you'll probably have a dying one for the price... WC or CB... You'll probably have to save your money for a longer period, or you'll get a regular ETB, which is ( still ) loads of fun and wonder... just ask me!


08-15-04, 06:36 AM
whats the difference? ateb noob <---

Richard Welter
08-15-04, 12:27 PM
How does a thread with a simple question get blown up it to nothing but BS. Raindog you live in Florida, I don't know if you noticed but there are tons of emerald breeders around your neck of the woods. You also want a basin for $500.00, you won't find many quality animals for that price. If you talk to Craig and Karen Clark (who frequent this forum a lot) they maybe able to help you get a basin or two. They have high quality animals at an affordable price. Sorry it's not easy finding a $500.00 basin, but this is they are the next best thing. I hope this helps you out, Thanks Richard Welter

P.S. they still have a couple of animals for sale the last time I checked.

08-16-04, 10:09 AM
I try to stay out of these forums because some of the responses are straight out of a highschool girls locker room. So what if terms aren't quoted correctly. Is that a reason to piss all over someone? Raindog was just asking a question and like a lot of us, he may not be a professional breeder. In this case BK, you seem to have a chip on your shoulder for no apparent reason.
As far as I know this is a public site and us 'non-professionals' have a right to be here and ask questions. Is this not the whole point?
I've seen so much help given from so many people on this site.
It should always be that way.
And BK, being a moderator, if that makes you feel that you can condesend people for asking questions that you consider 'unworthy', hey guy, you breed snakes! Congradulations! Man, can I have your autograph?

08-16-04, 01:01 PM
I'll ask you the same thing I asked him in a PM, what does me volunteering to move threads around have to do with asking him to clearify what he meant. That is the other great thing about this site when someone doesn't understand something they can question them about what they've said. So I cracked one joke about going out to catch his own ETB. I didn't realize that so many people on here had lost their sense of humour.
You're making some pretty big leaps and some stupid assumtions about me. Both of you took my comments out of context and got your panties in a knot. You talk about how great this site is, well members like you sticking their nose into something that is done and none of your business does not help to make it what you described. So why don't you stop trying to stir the pot and make this something it's not.

08-16-04, 01:22 PM
Hurricanes aside, we're home from Daytona and last time I checked the CBB basins we have for under $1000.00 are not sick or dying. As to the $2000.00 + animals not being "designer", I thought that breeding to get a specific morph was considered creating "designer" animals. So if you "line breed" to get a specific trait aren't you creating "designer" and not natural/native animals? :D :D :D


PS- Thanks for the plug Richard!

08-16-04, 01:48 PM
Yes bad jokes taken out of context aside here is what I was trying to get at with my Harley analogy.
Here is how Greg Maxwell put it with regards to Chondros,
"It is amazing how many people expect breeders to sell their stock for normal market prices, and make disparagin comments about greed and selfishness when breeders charge high prices for exceptional bloodlines, or hold back keepers for themselves. The fact is CB Chondros are expensive for valid reasons, just like other fine products offered to consumers. You don't buy a Mercedes for the price of a Chevy, and chondros are most defininately"top of the line" when it comes to captive-produced reptiles. Personally, I will never buy Mercedes because my value is system will never allow me to spend that kind of money on a car. But, I will never go to a Mercedes dealer and whine that the cars should be priced like a Chevy, so I can afford one. Nor will I tell the Mercedes dealer that I'm tired of being told, "You get what you pay for!"
So I have to say I agree with Greg and that what he says applies to ETBs too, especially CBB Amazon Basins and when I see someone complaining about the price it bugs me and I try to share my opinions on price with them. No one likes to be told that they are cheap so I tried to wrap it in a joke however based on the responses I can see that none of was take well. Oh well, be pissed if you like all of you but these animals like Mercedes are priced the way they are for a reason and if you think they should be priced lower then maybe you should be spending you money on something of a lower caliber.

08-16-04, 03:07 PM
Sounds like you are the one with yer panties in a knot!
I go on this site because my son likes snakes, and we have made a hobby of it together.
I would direct him to this site because it CAN be very informative. However, with poeple like you attacking less experienced people for their lack of knowledge or mis-wording, he would quickly lose interest.
And yeah, I am sticking my nose in because it amuses me.

08-16-04, 03:15 PM
You need to learn the difference between critisim and attack. Who did I attack and how?
However, with poeple like you attacking less experienced people for their lack of knowledge or mis-wording, he would quickly lose interest.
Those are some pretty heavy accusations. Why don't you stop running your mouth and back them up.
For the record I help people who ask for it when ever I am capable of giving it.

08-16-04, 03:45 PM
Back them up? Should I meet you at the bike rack after school?

You hit the nail on the head earlier man, i'm just stirring the pot. Sit back and have a laugh like I am.

Stuff like this makes my workday go by so much quicker!

08-16-04, 03:56 PM
ib inked whatever your on i want some. Just to throw in the third person view I did not see one remotley offensive thing in BK's post.

08-16-04, 05:03 PM
You guys should all have a cotton candy together and shake hands...


08-16-04, 05:47 PM
Stuff like this makes my workday go by so much quicker!
A-hole! Bike rack it is.;)

08-16-04, 07:46 PM
OK, peace folks. Yeah, BK came through with the usual snotty banter but I got a little fired up too and perhaps should have handled it differently. Either way, the storm has passed and the house is intact. I'm just glad that I didn't get the 185mph gusts that some of my friends had around twenty miles south.

08-16-04, 11:59 PM
Are you cursing at me>? What a potty mouth.



Tim and Julie B
08-17-04, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by ib_inked
And yeah, I am sticking my nose in because it amuses me.

Well your avatar amuses me......haha Yorkshier Tabbies! :D haha


08-17-04, 05:52 AM
came through with the usual snotty banter
Like I said I was making a poor attempt at being funny. Where elese have you seen me being snotty?

08-17-04, 08:13 AM
K, sorry all. I was just full of piss and vinegar yesterday. Just f'in around towards the end.
Peace BK.


Time and Julie,
And yeah, that pic makes me laugh too. I think I peed my pants when I first saw it.

08-17-04, 10:47 AM
Gotta love cotton candy...

08-17-04, 09:38 PM
Oh yeah man I was over it when you invited me to the bike rack man.
I've never snotty though.lol

08-19-04, 03:54 PM
Raindog, Craig and Karen Clark are definitely the ones you should talk to. We got to see all their babies at the Daytona show and they easily the best there, hands down. We even brought home one of their lil guys! Their babies are worth it, trust me!