View Full Version : Anery A

08-14-04, 07:46 PM
I've seen pics of adult Anery A's, but what do the babies look like? I know someone who has an Anery A on hold with a breeder, but he says it is just black and white - no grey, yellow, etc. Do they start out this way and then pick up the grey, yellow, etc? Or will the little guy maintain just the black and white when it gets older?

08-15-04, 10:08 AM
They will start to develop their yellow as they mature.

I don't have any anery pics available right now, but I'll try and take some for you later....I am really really busy with things right now~

anyway if I have time later tonight I'll snap one for you~

08-15-04, 11:48 AM
Well like I promised~

Here is an anery baby photo~

not the best one..but better than none...LOL!!

<img src="http://www.extremesnakes.com/images/Photos/Corns/Mix-08.jpg">

08-15-04, 12:32 PM
Are you sure that's an Anery A or an Anery B Simon? ;) :D

08-15-04, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Vanan
Are you sure that's an Anery A or an Anery B Simon? ;) :D

those I am sure that they're anery a~



08-15-04, 02:47 PM
Thank you!

08-15-04, 02:53 PM
That sure is a weird colour! One is black and one is brown.

What do you find different between your charcoal and anery A hatchlings? From pics I've seen, there seems to be a light spot on the head, a pinkish blush to the cheek, and a grey cast to the body. As well as an eye with no distinctive pupil.

08-15-04, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Katt
That sure is a weird colour! One is black and one is brown.

What do you find different between your charcoal and anery A hatchlings? From pics I've seen, there seems to be a light spot on the head, a pinkish blush to the cheek, and a grey cast to the body. As well as an eye with no distinctive pupil.

that's what I see in them too
plus the thing is that they do have a 'blueish' tone on them with the charcoal gene.

Anerys tend to hvae a more whitish background as a hatchling too~