View Full Version : Recommended Herp Books?

08-14-04, 01:05 PM
Just curious as to some good herp books that are recommended by people here? I am looking at making a big book order, and would like some advice before I dish out lots and lots of cash :p I would love some species-specific books as well as general books. Thanks for any replies!


08-14-04, 01:15 PM
First and fore most "The Complete Chondro" by Greg Maxwell. Doesn't matter if you have one corn or a hundred Green Trees it is a must read for anyone in this hobby.
Next anything from the Manual series. Ball Python Manual, Boa Constrictor Manual etc. I have 4 of them and they are all great and up to date. Finally it's getting old but it's still worth having "The Complete Reproductive Husbandry or Pythons and Boas".
Hope this helps,

08-14-04, 01:43 PM
Thanks Trevor! I have been looking for the boas and pythons book, as that was recommened a while back by a friend :) The others all sound great (I hav the ball python manual, great book!), and whil I do have a few already, and am a book nut and hope to get TONS more. Thanks again!


08-14-04, 01:55 PM
a very good book for field herping is 'snakes of north america' by Alan Tennant, it comes in 'eastern and central' and 'western editions'. It has a great deal of info on every native snake and seperate descriptions for each subspecies.

The catigories for each species or subspecies listing are
Venomous / Non-venomous - this really tells you about defencive behavior more than venom.

Abundance - address conservation issues




colouring / scale form

similer snakes


these are very informive and are complete for each subspecies, though some subspecies do say 'see such and such'

there are 400 pages of species discription and 122 pages of photos (in the east / central edition) total 605 pages, covers 196 species / subspecies. Retails for $29.95 USD on the back cover, I bought it in Canadian and don't remember what I paid.

A very good book I think and incredibly helpful for IDing subspecies.

08-14-04, 09:06 PM
Thanks CamHanna :D I have added those books to my list!


08-14-04, 09:40 PM
does anyone have the ISBN # or Publisher for "The complete Chondro" ?????

guapote's gape
08-14-04, 09:52 PM
ISBN# 0-9713197-4-X
ECO Publishing
915 Seymour
Lansing, MI 48906 USA
Ph# 517-487-5595
fax# 517-371-2709
email ecoorders@hotmail.com
website http://www.reptileshirts.com

guapote's gape
08-14-04, 10:06 PM
You can always order the book directly from Greg Maxwell himself.
here's his webpage
Greg's has some amazing Chondro's, is an awesome guy to deal with and he'll gladly personalize a copy and send it out to you.

08-15-04, 10:05 AM
Pythons of the World: Australia is a great book by Dave and Tracy Barker and covers the pythons found on the Australian continent. I believe that there are still copies available on their website.