View Full Version : identify this monitor from vietnam someone?

08-13-04, 01:02 PM
while i was in vietnam for vacation, my family friend cought this monitor.


i was hoping someone here can help me identify this monitor.

08-13-04, 01:11 PM
Water Monitor?

08-13-04, 01:35 PM
Looks like a water monitor to me as well.

08-13-04, 02:02 PM
prolly is the person that cought it said he see these guys althe time near streams and rivers.

John A
08-13-04, 02:14 PM
varanus salvator salvator, water monitor. these nam salvators grow immense! may i place this photo on cybersalvator.com? thanks, -john

08-13-04, 02:27 PM
yea go ahead
edit: if you want next time i go back i'll make sure i'll get better pics of other waters for you and is that ur site?

John Nguyen

08-15-04, 10:58 PM
Those are defenetly water monitors. Baby water monitors!!! They live near water in the south-eastern part of asia and they grow like crazy, thought they may become pretty tame, or so i've heard!


John A
08-16-04, 08:46 AM
Yes, cybersalvator is my website. i have a total of 5 waters- 3 sulfurs, 2 cumingis. any other locality specific photos of salvator are greatly appreciated. i have reports of salvator in viet nam reaching 12 feet, but no photo for proof. thanks for the photo! ill add your name to the photo credit. cheers, -john