View Full Version : such bad luck

08-13-04, 11:19 AM
I came home today from work to find that my 3 week old pictus gecko that I hatched had died. The way he was laying made me think he was still alive until I lifted the lid of the rubbermaid and picked up his hide spot. This is what I found...


He had stuck his tongue to a very tiny piece of what appears to be the remnants of tape. It must have been stuck on the ceramic dish at the store and I just didn't notice because it was so small. Well, the poor guy couldn't detach his tongue and I didn't catch it in time. Feeling pretty lousy right now, so the currently rainy weather is suiting.


08-13-04, 11:40 AM
Awww, I'm so sorry for your loss... what a cute gecko he was too! Don't blame yourself for this... sometimes freak accidents just happen. Just remember to check for adhesives on new dishes from now on. A really good way to remove it all is to use rubbing alcohol over the labels and adhesive areas. It works like a charm, but you have to be extra sure you wash it thoroughly afterwards. Again, I'm sorry...

08-13-04, 11:51 AM
My dearest condolences. I lost a baby pictus aswell(Well, I slate the egg cause it was late hatching and it died in my hand). But, know that you did give it some life. We learn from our mistakes. Dont feel it was your fault that it got it's toung stuck, we miss things, you didnt mean it. Just hope your next experience goes better.:)


08-13-04, 02:51 PM
i cant see the pic.
very sorry for your loss, its terrible went something goes unexpectedly wrong like that. im sure it was not ur fault (altho i dont really know what happened cuz i cant see the pic).

08-13-04, 03:08 PM
hmm....sometimes the pic shows up and sometimes it doesn't. To resolve that, usually hitting the refresh button does the trick. Thanks all for the nice comments. My endeavours in gecko breeding are not due to hit full force until next spring when I plan to have many CB Fat tails. I will take this as a learning experience and hopefully things will work out better for the remaing of this year and next.

Thanks again,


08-13-04, 10:04 PM
really sorry to hear :(

08-14-04, 12:27 AM
thats some bad luck right there , sorry bro

08-14-04, 01:41 AM
maybe this is a stupid question, and i dont mean to be insensitive, i know that it is terrible when a pet dies, but how did getting his tongue stuck cause death? im a little confused.

08-14-04, 06:51 AM
thunder, it's no problem, I'm happy to answer questions. I was baffled as much as yourself. Since his eyes were open and he was laying in such a manner that looked like he was just resting in his hide when I saw him, I didn't bother him. It was only the next day that I opened the rubbermaid to see how he was doing and I found him dead. The combination of no food or water and the stress of being stuck likely caused it. I found feces next to the body, where the gecko would not usually defecate. I assume it just got really stressed during the whole ordeal.


Painted Desert
08-20-04, 06:48 AM
Adam, that's......(loss for words here..) Adam, that just plain ol sucks. Feel so bad for you and the little one...sorry for your loss.


08-20-04, 11:10 AM
Thanks Linda. Yeah, it kinda caught me off guard at the time because that hatchling was just doing so well. However, a hard lesson learned. Fortunately I have about 5 or 6 more eggs due to hatch any day now. I will definitely stop by your table at the Sept 12 show to say hi and see what goodies you brought this time around. :D :D

Thanks again,