View Full Version : nile monitor??????
burmese maniac
08-12-04, 08:05 PM
what do you guys and girls think about nile monitors! thinking of getting one. have experience with water monitors in the past.
08-12-04, 08:22 PM
one of a kind!
Steeve B
08-12-04, 09:54 PM
I think varanus niloticus and varanus ornatus are the top varanids out there! Despite the bad reputation most peoples give them, they represent everything a varanids should be! They are big real BIG 7-8 feet plus, bulky and muscular, fast and strong, fearless and savage, masters of survival in the most inhospitable habitats. As captives they have been the most fulfilling varanids iv owned, all have started life as little devil’s and have grown into large and trustworthy adults, unfortunately most keepers don’t keep them long enough to fully understand this unique specie. I don’t give a flying crap about how many are shipped out of Africa nor that they are $10ea, they are top varanids representative on my list and make outstanding captive subjects, do not get advising from owners who don’t understand animal behaviour enough to keep this specie more then a couple of years, with the knowledge that’s available to us now days, I should have no need to say that large varanids aren’t kittens and they cant be expected to behave as domesticated animals. They will teach you about animal respect in a most painful way.
Good niloticus keepers never get bitten! Thos being bitten the most often are the worst keepers! I fall somewhere in the middle lol
Well, we have had Hemi our nile for about six years now and I don't know if it's because we got him as a rescue or what but he has turned out and really always has been "almost" dog tame, I say almost because when he's hungry, startled or thinks you MAY have food he suddenly loses his dog like temperment. Anyways he has truly turned out to be an excellent pet, he's fine with my kids, dog and cat, although I would never leave him alone with them, he honestly seems to not mind them whatsoever. I think if you want one that will be pet like it can almost always happen with alot of patience, forgivingness, respect and a high pain tolerance lol! Well now that I've talked about him I'm gonna go see if I can find a pic of him in gallery-post it if it's there- Allison
Hey all
Here's the pic of Hemi enjoying the Okanagan sun-he absolutely loves living here:
Enjoy and thamks for looking-Allison
08-12-04, 10:28 PM
That's a beautiful monitor, but I think Sav's are plenty big for me. Just wondering but whats proper sized enclosure for an adult nile?
Well, we keep ours in our upstairs foyer in an all window style cage and it's roughly 6ftx6ft square, but being in the Okanagan he gets to be outside sometimes as early as May on nice days and as late as late September, he gets plenty of roaming time during these months, not to mention we allow him out in the house once in awhile, otherwise I would probably feel guilty about his cage size, although he seems happy and rarely leaves his favorite spot anyways.
I have a 11 inch baby, his name is Agro..... Hes very fistey and bites the hell out of me. They are most certainley for expirienced herpers only!
08-13-04, 02:31 PM
Dave, that is a very beautiful monitor. You are truly lucky!:)
I agree, i cant wait till mine is larger!
Thanks everyone, he is very special, much like part of the family!
Does he ever try to alsh you with his tail or act aggresive at times?
No Rikki, for the most part he is totally mellow. He huffs and puffs occasionally but as long as you don't wake him or get in his way when he's eating he is a pussy cat! LOL!
No he's not easy to handle because of his strength, size and claws, it's just a matter of learning his body language, and knowing how to hold him properly so he's comfortable-and preferably with a long sleeve shirt, no need for gloves though.
08-13-04, 08:51 PM
that is a beautiful ornatus = do not see them that big very often, and they do grow biger than that to be sure...I love the Azure color to them, or maybe it is just the film?
Nile monitors do have attitude and can be very aggressive, but as adults they seem 'to know' nothing can bother them at those sizes and act very much like a V. salvator - docile-like - rarely biting and sometimes tail lashing, so one must always be 'aware' of them - they still are wild animals to a point. A friend of mine who lived here in Berkeley, has since moved to Los Angeles to continue his film career, has 2 such huge 6 foot V. ornatus, and they are regarded the same as their dogs, all feed together in the kitchen with separate bowls and food, and usually sleep together, but the ornates end up in the bathtub/shower more often than the dogs do.... these 'hefty' animals are dog tame, and often will become excitied when any 'female' approaches them: human, canine, and especially Varanus - they are hilarious and often messy - I keep telling George to get some female V. ornatus but he just laughs and tells me what would he do with all the babies?? 2 six-foot ornates would deposit alot of eggs I suspect!
Good Luck with your animal, and for those have babies/juveniles, be patient, and in time and lots of nips and bandaids, it is worth it.
He's about ten Rikki, I got him as an adult, but had known him as a fresh import as well., different owners blah blah.
burmese maniac
08-14-04, 05:24 PM
thanks for all of your advice, I think I will be getting him this weekend!!!!!!!
I hope your ready..........
burmese maniac
08-14-04, 06:40 PM
you make it sound so terrible.............
Lol, sorry...They are a handful though ;)
burmese maniac
08-15-04, 06:16 PM
went to buy my nile , but when I got ther feel in love with the water monitor they had there and guess whay......... yup left with the water monitor instead!!!!!!!!!!!
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