View Full Version : New Enclosure - Opinions Please

08-12-04, 07:50 PM
Just got this cage today - Free mind you ;)

I will be adding lights and levels inside, but right now I am at a loss at what to do with it lol.

Any suggestions are very welcome, thanks!


It is about 8' long x 4' tall x 2' deep, guy standing with it is about 6' or thereabouts.

08-12-04, 07:51 PM
Another pic


08-12-04, 07:52 PM
And yet another...thanks for looking!


08-12-04, 07:57 PM
wow awesome free cage! i'm a bit bias for BCI's, ever think about geting one? there lots of fun and that cage will last it forever!

08-12-04, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Lrptls
wow awesome free cage! i'm a bit bias for BCI's, ever think about geting one? there lots of fun and that cage will last it forever!

Actually hubby just told me the other day that he has just bought me my first boa :D It's a 2 year old female, 50% HET for salmon, 5 1/2 feet long, and super tame. We know the people who were selling her, and hubby went and made arrangements to buy her for my birthday. We are getting her in September, so that we have gotten an enclosure for her and are finished moving :D I am quite excited about it...actually I think he bought that in hopes that I wouldn't buy the burmese that I have been wanting. So, as things look now I will be getting a boa instead :D Again, I am quite happy!

Thanks for the reply!!!


08-12-04, 08:04 PM
A Savannah monitor or a whole colony of beardies would do well in there too. Man, you got that for FREE???? SCORE!

08-12-04, 08:10 PM
There is not such a thing as a het for salmon.
A boa is either salmon or not.


08-12-04, 08:11 PM
Totally free, ok well $20 to get big guys to move it :p

But yeah, the guy had been trying to sell it for over 2 years (it was left in the house he was renting, and he's moving out so wanted to get it out). Since no one would buy it, he offered it free to ANYONE, but yet another 6 months went by and no one wanted it. So, as I happened to talk to someone selling a snake, she mentioned that her friend had a free cage, so I said sure to it. Guy told us he was just going to wreck it and have it hauled away if we didn't get it ASAP, so we went and got it today :D
I haven't even seen it in person (threw my back out this morning :mad: ), but my husband took all the pics at our new place (sitting in the storage until, takes it all up lol). But I am totally psyched about it ;)
Whole colony of beardies, ey? Hmm, that sounds interesting :D


08-12-04, 09:20 PM
maybe a very nice looking tree snake or some chams or something

08-12-04, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by capsicum
Actually hubby just told me the other day that he has just bought me my first boa :D It's a 2 year old female, 50% HET for salmon


As mo said a few posts above, there is no HET for salmon..

Sorry, but good luck and enjoy your boa.

08-12-04, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by HetForHuman
As mo said a few posts above, there is no HET for salmon..

Sorry, but good luck and enjoy your boa.

Yes, I believe I miss heard her. Mo told me that it should be het for albino, not salmon :)


08-12-04, 10:33 PM
So now besides the boa, what about the cage? Any suggestions as to what I should put into it? Love the ideas, please keep them coming :D


08-13-04, 10:23 AM
You can almost keep anything you want in there. What about those tegu's you mentioned that you wanted before?

08-13-04, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Bartman
You can almost keep anything you want in there. What about those tegu's you mentioned that you wanted before?

Now thats a great idea :D I hadn't even thought of them :p Hmm, I think I will be doing some reseach about them and see what I can do with this cage (modifications, etc). Thanks :)