View Full Version : Hommies in da house! *pics*

08-12-04, 07:39 PM
After 2.5 yrs of raising up three lil worms, which Katt brought back home from Daytona in 2002, this is the final result. A species which I've been wanting to breed since I started into this hobby, House snakes.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v167/Vanan/Snakes/hshatch1.jpg">

A whole week before they were due. Started pipping on day 53.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v167/Vanan/Snakes/hshatch2.jpg">

That container btw, is a condiment cup. Temporary housing til they all start shedding and feeding.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v167/Vanan/Snakes/hsbaby1.jpg">

Tough to get a good shot of them lil worms. Here's the only half decent one of the many I took. This one was the first one to shed. Pending the rest of the gang to follow suit.

That's all for hatchling photos. Was waiting for them to shed and then take a group photo but I didn't wanna be prying off the pipsqueaks from each other. Ravenous lil leeches!

Here are pics of my breeders.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v167/Vanan/Snakes/HouseM1.jpg">

My male who proved to be a pain in the butt to feed for his first yr and a half. During breeding season, he was still a lil thing compared to the femmes but it seems that he's gained his appetite after he got a lil nookie. Moved up from a fuzzie eater to a hopper killer in a matter of a month!

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v167/Vanan/Snakes/Henna1.jpg">

My "red" phase female. She's in one of her dark moods. When it's pretty warm, she lightens up enough that the eye stripe is as light as ivory. Waiting one her first clutch (12) in the incubator.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v167/Vanan/Snakes/Henna2.jpg">

A close up of my red-phase "Antaresia". Same snake.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v167/Vanan/Snakes/Hazel1.jpg">

My other female. I guess she'd be called a dark phase or brown phase. She be the mommy of the hatchlings. First clutch of 11, one egg went bad, one full term dead-in-egg. Waiting on her 2nd clutch of 13, which she laid without reintroduction of the male. Are they prolific or what!

08-12-04, 07:42 PM
Those are so awesome!!!! Word, yo!

Scales Zoo
08-12-04, 08:05 PM
Things are happenin on the West siiiide (of Leader)

West side yall!


08-12-04, 08:49 PM

08-12-04, 09:12 PM
With all the success you guys are having lately I'm going to be getting back into the hobby deeper than I thought......LOL!!


08-12-04, 09:23 PM
Those little ones looks great~~
Keep them coming!!!

08-12-04, 09:24 PM
Congrats, they look great!

08-12-04, 09:49 PM
Wow! Love that red female... well love em' all but that girl is gorgeous! Congrats, on your new babes.

08-12-04, 11:01 PM
Well coming from a guy, that can't seem to breed mine, a big congrats to you Vanan!!
I have two pair, that are 3.5 feet long, and they have never even produced slugs.. They eat like pigs hump like mice, but not one egg yet and they're 3 years old...
Go figure...
I'm jealous now!! LOL

08-12-04, 11:37 PM
lol! Roy, you sound like Piers and his guppies! lol.

Although I'm not totally surprised that your females never produced any. How long do you leave your male in with them? When I was going for 1st clutches, the brown one (the double clutcher) had the male in with her for a week (noticed two copulations, more might have been missed). The 2nd female (the red one) had him for only two days (noticed only one copulation). Both females started gaining weight and looked as if they were gravid. One shed and laid eggs, the red one shed and started eating again! No eggs whatsoever. So I tried her again with the male, this time leaving him in with her for at least 7 days (maybe 8). This time she laid. Both females were fed the same, given additional calcium during breeding and gravidity, exposed to the same male. Only difference was the length of exposure to the male.

Thanks for the compliments guys! It's nice to see that some underrated species can still be appreciated. All I can say now is, I'm a happy man. Although I would be happier if them hogs started coming out already!!! :D:D:D

Scales Zoo
08-12-04, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by Vanan
Although I would be happier if them hogs started coming out already!!! :D:D:D

I've been watching the barometric pressure, and I predict that the hogs will pip soon too - waiting for some of our snakes to lay eggs because of it..... I'm getting it down to a fine science I think.

You should get a picture of those little guys (house snakes) beside a coin - condiment cup you say, they look small.


08-12-04, 11:52 PM
Mine have been living together since April. In fact the males have become so skinny, from too much copulating and no eating, that I have just separated them, as they wont eat when with the females. My males are less than half the size of the females, and I'm wondering if they are even mature. One of my females got huge, looked like it would happen but then nothing....
It's getting personal now.
I'm going to get an albino male.. maybe that will turn them on.
These things are supposed to breed like Pictus, or as you suggest , like guppies, but not mine..not yet at least.

08-12-04, 11:55 PM
The hoggies are pipping already. Just waiting on the last.

Roy, I think that your breeding success luck has to run out at some point! You got enough neat things hatching, share the breeding wealth!!

That's just too funny and here we thought you were pumping out those house snakes left right and centre!

08-13-04, 12:04 AM
It's getting personal now.


I'm going to get an albino male.. maybe that will turn them on.

That'll turn me on fer sure! Rowr!! :D

I wish I had taken a pic when the male was breeding the females, to show the size difference. Also, I should correct myself. My house snakes are not 2.5 yrs old but 2 yrs old. Given that, I don't see why your males wouldn't be mature enough at 3yrs of age. Ever tried keeping them apart then only introducing them for a bit. The absence of the male might take the female's "mind" off of breeding and actually developing the ova further instead of reabsorbing them. I dunno but it sounds like the height of promiscuity to me! lol. All the breeding, no baby-toting. lol!

08-13-04, 12:08 AM
Condiment cup?!?!?!? Holy smokes! I assumed it was in a deli cup. Man, that's a small hatchling! :D

Congrats, Buddy! :)

08-13-04, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by Katt

That's just too funny and here we thought you were pumping out those house snakes left right and centre!

Yup, pumping them out just like all those D'alberts Pythons I couldn't produce either.
You know I just remembered something... With both species the male was once eaten by the female..(I rescued them)
Huhnn, I guess maybe eating then regurging your mate alive, ruins the romance..LOL

08-13-04, 01:49 AM
LOL Roy!

House snakes! Beauties!!!!!! Never seen a hatching picture before either! Good job! :D

08-13-04, 08:54 AM
Congrats Vanan - great to see someone working with this species - they are incredible looking little snakes - just like tiny pythons! Hope all the babies do great for you - love the red one!

mary v.

08-13-04, 10:33 AM
Here's a couple of my dinner date love birds

08-13-04, 10:37 AM
Wooo! I was waiting for you to post pics of yours. I remember you had a pic showing the size comparison of one of your females. Remember her looking really big.

08-13-04, 10:45 AM
cool looking snakes. congrats on the success

08-13-04, 03:45 PM
Whoa, dat femmy thang on de number tu pic is funky winky dacky! What up with her colour yo?

08-14-04, 03:39 PM
Those are some sweet snakes right thurr! Fo Shurre.....

08-15-04, 09:06 PM
Here's a pic to show you their size Ryan. They've grown a tad since hatching and all that just from their yolk.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v167/Vanan/Snakes/hssize1.jpg">

Now to get them started on eating. Getting some day old pinks tomorrow hopefully. :)

08-22-04, 02:34 AM
Katt, that second female is sorta Multi-chromatic.
Its the weirdest damn thing I've seen and only one does it.
She can be yellow some days, a nice green tone others, then she can be totally normal brown.
Between color shifts she gets all speckled and looks like a Macklots Python. Even as a baby she did this and I first thought she had some kind of skin condition.
Vanan you should find, as I did when mine were babies that they eat amazinginly big meals.

08-22-04, 09:26 AM
It's been almost 2 weeks now. Assist fed them a pink leg each a few days ago since they showed no interest in rodents at all. I'm hoping they'll get the idea soon enough. Gonna attempt feeding again today. :)

Jordan B
08-24-04, 09:35 PM
Nice job Vanan:)! You are so lucky! Congrats.
