View Full Version : Favorite Flavor of Soda?

08-10-04, 09:49 PM
Just curious what everyones' favorite soda/pop is?

TK who currently loves Cherry Coke :p

08-10-04, 10:33 PM
No doubt it's lime, when that's not around Sprite Berryclear or just good ol' loyal orange pop. Pepsi over Coke anyday!! I've always hated dr. pepper but as my tastes mature I find it's not so bad. And what ever happened to <b>PEPSI BLUE</b>, I guess thats the all time favorite.

Top three

Pepsi Blue
Sprite Berryclear

I like 'fringe' flavours and I take one I haven't tried yet over anyother kind of pop. I'll settle down one of these days but for now I'm Livin' on the edge.

Thanks for Listoning

08-10-04, 10:38 PM
Any diet cola is fine with me. My favorite, though, is Pepsi One.

08-10-04, 10:39 PM
1. Pepsi (ICE cold)
2. Root-Beer... pretty much any brand
3. Vanilla Coke... good with spiced rum! ;) :D


08-10-04, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Tim_Cranwill

3. Vanilla Coke... good with spiced rum! ;) :D


Damnit Time!!! Now I have to go get some Vanilla Coke :p


Kevin McRae
08-10-04, 11:13 PM

We all know(well the sane ones..lol)that Coke beats Pepsi by miles:)

But I am a Dr.Peeper lover......

08-10-04, 11:14 PM

Top 3 are...and must be ice cold, I hate warm soda.

1. Coka Cola
2. 7 UP
3. Fresca

And if you ever tried Soda from Portugal.

1. Somol..........its like 5 Alive mixed with 7 UP in a way.



08-10-04, 11:21 PM
Argh, Vanilla Coke

Worst thing ever. I know what everyone says about it tasting just like a coke float but there wrong, the best part of the coke is the poppy-creamy froth, not the flavour of what it floats on. Vanilla coke is a blemish on all of 'pop culture', if such a thing exists.

But not all skies are sky blue. Even so, I try to think of the blue ones most. That said, let's not forget all the glories of mellow yellow, possibly one of the best things coke ever did. I know it's just a montain dew rip off but it's different some how, it's fizzier and not so sweet. Every one says that I'm imagining it but I know their different...they just have to be.

Back to vanilla coke. Well, I guess, if it makes you happy it can't be that bad.

08-10-04, 11:23 PM


Pepsi Blue's been knocked to second. <b><h1>FRESCA KICKS A$$</b></h1>

08-10-04, 11:32 PM
My I.Q. has dropped 15 points by just answering this post. Vernors.

08-10-04, 11:37 PM
Personally, I like warm pop.

There was a time when I drank my pop cold, but not since the accident. (sniffle)

My cousin and I were playing horse on the trampoline. He did a belly-flop/butt drop, I matched it. I did a flip, so did he. He did a belly-flop/butt drop/front flip and I kept pace, we're stride for stride, time for the big guns...the 1.25 front flip to belly-flop followed by a butt drop and dismount. The flip was good, I came down on my belly, but my teeth met the metal ring that suspends the tampoline. I haven't enjoyed an ice-cold pop since.

08-10-04, 11:39 PM
My I.Q. has dropped 15 points by just answering this post


I've answered it 5 times... 5 x 15.. I've lost 65 IQ points

Tim and Julie B
08-10-04, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by CamHanna

I've answered it 5 times... 5 x 15.. I've lost 65 IQ points

5 x 15 = 65????????? I guess it is true! LOL

I love Sprite Ice! + It is easy to make Mojitos (sp?) out of!

Tim and Julie B
08-10-04, 11:54 PM
You and your damn sprite ice! Kid you not guys, when Tim finds it in any store he buys all but one or two bottles. It's very hard to find and he drinks it like water, and he doesn't even like pop much.:D

Anyways, I love icy cold Ginger Beer, Pepsi (the drink of choice for all smart people! lol) and hot Dr. Pepper. Yes, hot DP! Heat it up slowly on the stove and slurp it back-it's awesome on a really cold day.


08-11-04, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Tim and Julie B
Pepsi (the drink of choice for all smart people! lol)

LOL, if I could get those 65 IQ points back I'd agree with you...

08-11-04, 12:02 AM
Sprite Ice is WRONG!! Tastes like toothpaste!!

Pepsi Blue! Wow, now that was a pop!!

Favourite pop would have to be warm and flat strawberry pop. None of this cold pop, gotta be WARM AND FLAT! Yeah!

08-11-04, 10:01 AM
75 Hanna, 75!

08-11-04, 12:43 PM

Ah this is just too hilarious :p

I also love diet pepsi - has to be diet for me, diabetes sucks :mad:

But I cheat once in a while, like with cherry coke (now cherry pepsi was awesome way back when!).

Also like: root beer (diet tastes like regular, yipee!), dr pepper (haven't tried diet yet, but heard it was good), anything with ginger, and that new green apple stuff that the super stores in Canada have (it's a bit strong, but good if you crave apples lol).


08-11-04, 01:22 PM
Wow! You people have awsome pop!

Way out here in the boonies I thought that grape was exotic... Now I find out there's strawberry and apple and sprite ice... I didn't even know these things existed.

Sigh, I guess I'm not the rebel I thought I was.

08-11-04, 01:30 PM
This is my first reply, and I feel like I lost 65 points all at once, but...

Tahiti Treat All the Way!!!

08-11-04, 02:15 PM
My top 3 are

Stewarts rootbeer!!!
Orenge soda
Coke or pepsi (Coke and pepsi taste like the same thing to me)

08-11-04, 02:47 PM
LOL, reading this made me lose 65+75 IQ points, that makes me...............140 time stupider? HAHAHA I actually used my computers calculator to add the 65 and 75!!!!!!

I LOVE Iced tea, canned. I take my iced tea in this order:

1. Our Compliments natural lemon flavour Iced Tea(THIS STUFF IS THE BOMB! ITS SUGAR TEA! I LOVE IT)
2. Brisk Lemon Iced Tea
3. Nestea

Then I like a few select pops:

Pepsi(normal), Mellow Yellow(My dog must warship this stuff! If you are drinking a can of this, he will sit in front of you and give you that little begging look, but he doesnt do that with other stuff. Then if I put a can of pop down(such as pepsi/Iced tea) and say No to him, he leaves it alone. If you do that with mellow yellow, its gone! He LOVES it) LOL.


(You must be conservative, a nice caffein boost(iced tea), some peppy stuff(pepsi), then a good thought provoking jolt of flavour(Mellow Yellow), then you will be set. Not too much insanity/variation(pepsi blue, vanilla coke, grabe cruch, ect...), just right, and its good! LOL. I will drink root beer, and 7-up or mountain do if thats all there is, but normally stick to the tree goods! LOL.)

Follow my path, and enjoy living the life of canned pops(If iced tea counts! LOL).


08-11-04, 02:53 PM
Our Compliments Dr. Zip!! This stuff rocks! Tastes like 75% Dr. Pepper, 25% coke.

08-11-04, 03:18 PM
well... Dr Pepper followed by a close tahiti treat :)

08-12-04, 10:48 PM
Just tried Jamacian style Ginger Beer, a little odd, but good if mixed with diet green apple :p


08-12-04, 11:02 PM
It has to be fresca for me too :)

08-12-04, 11:13 PM

08-12-04, 11:27 PM
Thought I'd update everyone...

I went to Beckers for some new flavours and came out with Sprite Ice... I can't say that I didn't like it but I see where the toothe paste comment comes from. No Pepsi Blue there, did it go off the market?

Tim and Julie B
08-12-04, 11:34 PM
Damn it I can't find Sprite Ice here anymore! Do you people think anything mint tastes like toothpaste?
I love the stuff. I wonder how much a pallet would be? TB

Scales Zoo
08-12-04, 11:42 PM
Pepsi for sure, I add it to my rum!

Interesting factoid.....

Coke doesn't do double blind taste studies any more. There has been extensive research done, and during taste tests, pepsi wins 60% of the time.

However, coke sells more product, and the research suggests that it is because of the name coke, coca-cola - that makes it more popular at the supermarket. Kind of like how everyone calls tissue, kleen-ex - and now it is the top brand.

Rye and coke is the name, not Rye and pepsi. Some coke fans are brainwashed by the name thing, and the advertisments. Coke has spent money to keep the results of those tests from being widely published.


08-12-04, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by Tim and Julie B
I wonder how much a pallet would be?

Well, toothe paste tastes like mint... so I guess mint tastes like toothe paste. I didn't say I don't like it... Heck, I swallow my toothe paste. I hear it's bad for me though so I'm trying to quite. Hard habit to break.

08-12-04, 11:49 PM
Yuck i hate sprite!

08-13-04, 12:09 AM

08-13-04, 12:16 AM
i like the green apple Jones' stuff

Tim and Julie B
08-13-04, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by CamHanna

Heck, I swallow my toothe paste. I hear it's bad for me though so I'm trying to quite. Hard habit to break.

Well at least you'll never have stomach tarter! :p TB

I love Dr.Pepper also but after drinking it in the states the Canadian version isn't as good. Although foutain Dr. P rocks.

08-13-04, 12:38 AM
I hate diet pops for the most part but I absolutely love that new diet lime coke, not quite sure why they wouldn't make a regular lime coke, would be quite tasty with rum. Dave is deffinately a pepsi guy though 100%, I think they only other pop I've ever seen him drink in all these years is Mountain Spew, yuck. And tahiti treat, now that's a pop that I have not seen or had for years, I would love to find it around here bring back childhood memories..ahhh...

08-13-04, 05:21 AM
I drink Canada Dry once i realized it was a slogan for the company and not a personal goal.

08-13-04, 10:32 AM
Dr. Pepper, Sprite Remix (Berryclear), Orig Sprite, both Vanilla Pepsi and Coke and I loved that Pepsi Blue but that gone. :(

08-13-04, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by dave68
And tahiti treat, now that's a pop that I have not seen or had for years, I would love to find it around here bring back childhood memories..ahhh... They still sell that stuff a certain grocery stores here in Ontario although is isn't easy to find. I don't see why it wouldn't be out there in BC too. ;)

08-13-04, 12:38 PM
I guess favorites would be

Dad's Root Beer
A&W Caramel Cream Soda (which I haven't actually seen in a store in a decade)
Dr. Pepper

When I went down to Ohio on a road trip a few years ago I noticed that brands that we get here actually tasted different. It was like buying soda fountain drinks made with chlorinated tapwater, but they tasted like that right out of the can.

I wonder how much impact the local bottling/canning companies have on what is the most popular drink in a given area.

08-13-04, 01:52 PM
Aside from this post we've typed 1873 words about our favourite pop... so pepsi blue's gone. The last time I saw Tahiti Treat for sale it was at the Walmart in Woodstock Ontario, maybe some other walmarts carry it.

08-13-04, 02:11 PM
any one like mocsie? (it tastes like moter oil to me)

08-13-04, 02:16 PM
Hey, maybe someone needs to start a soft drink forum. Anywho, Diet Pepsi #1 (yeah, diabetes does suck), followed by diet red mountain dew & diet mountain dew. Ginger brew! Good stuff too.

08-13-04, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by bubba
Hey, maybe someone needs to start a soft drink forum. Anywho, Diet Pepsi #1 (yeah, diabetes does suck), followed by diet red mountain dew & diet mountain dew. Ginger brew! Good stuff too.

Diet Mountain Dew??? Hey I'm missing out :mad: Well, I better go find some lol...