View Full Version : ackies

08-10-04, 01:00 PM
hi evryone im mike. i just got some new ackies 4 days ago, thay are around 1 month old and apsototty compleatly fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!! i started trying to handal them yesterday, at first i just put my hand in the viv, so thay get used to it . then after awhile i piked 1 up gentcly and plastet it on my hand. at first thay just jumped and ran away, but after a bit of time and a lot of patience that started to calm doun and were fine after awhile and sat on my hand fine. today i held them over the bath so thay coud not run away and thay were fine . 1 of them is alot calmer than the other and funilly enough was incubated ata lower temp.

im going to post some picks as soon as i get some developed.

i would aoso love to see some pictures and storys about your ackies or any that u no of

Thanks Mike :) :medbigsmi :w :cool: ;)
sorry about spelling:jawdrop: