View Full Version : about LACEY ACT

10-08-02, 09:20 AM

About " LACEY ACT " . ( USA LAW)

Do you know about This " LACEY ACT " in detail ?

This " LACEY ACT " is USA' S LAW as the fact.!!

10-08-02, 03:02 PM
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. The Lacey Act shouldn't affect us here in canada, or anyone else out side the united states unless you are dealing with the usa.

10-08-02, 07:20 PM
Are you kidding me??? The Lacey Act TOTALLY affects us here in Canada!! It means I can't get true red ackies for $250 Us. It means that we can ship animals to Europe at higher prices because the US can't export. It means womas are still at $4,000 a par while they are dirt cheap in the States. It means there will soon be more Dumerils in the US that frickin' house cats!

Bottom line:



Bryan Self
10-08-02, 08:19 PM
Womas dirt cheap. I do not think so. They are $2000 pr. That is waht a friend got at IRBA this weekend. I still do not see the point of the orginal poster.

10-08-02, 08:51 PM
That's odd because the most expensive pair I could find was $1750 US. That's still roughly $1300 CHEAPER than anywhere in Canada. THEREFORE if the US could export here, it would AFFECT out prices.

10-09-02, 03:46 PM
Everything I could find on it has nothing to do with cb snakes. All it is to protect animals that are native to the states. It's been around since 1894, so I don't think we have to worry.

10-09-02, 04:48 PM
I'm confused what is the LACEY Act??

Bryan Self
10-09-02, 05:05 PM
it is not just to protect animlas in the states. It does not have to do with captive born, except that some carriers are using this law to not ship reptiles. If the animal was revoved from any country w/o a permit or in violation of a law. Then it is illegal to own. The part that is scary is it does not matter if you know. You can be held liable.