View Full Version : New baby snake

08-09-04, 08:20 PM
Hi. I just got my very first pet snake. It's a baby corn snake, caugh by my neighbor as he was raking the lawn. This baby is less than 1/4 " in diameter, and probably 7" long. I put it (him? her?) in a plastic carrier cage that I had purchased as a hospital cage in case on of my small parrots got sick.

I am changing this thread by removing the questions, and limiting it to introductary comments. The questions are now posted on the general board.

I do not have much experience raising and caring for reptiles. As a child, I had a couple tiny turtles, and a newt, but this was about 45 years ago. I have had many other pets over the years: a Siberian Husky for many years, and then a hybrid wolf for many years. Also usually two cats at a time. And for the last 15 years, I've really gotten into parrots and finches. Currently I have: 1 budgie, 2 cockatiels, 1 sun conure, 1 green cheek conure, 1 senegal, 2 spice finches, and 5 zebra finches. I'm hoping to get a rainbow lorikeet in a matter of weeks, after years of dreaming of it. I've also got two cats.

I'm glad to have found this set of boards.

08-10-04, 11:33 PM
Welcome to the ssite.

08-12-04, 11:16 PM
Welcome to sSnakeSs!

08-20-04, 07:12 AM
Welcome to ssnakess and to keeping snakes!