View Full Version : Another Question

08-09-04, 03:38 PM
Hey, I've pretty much decided that if I get a cham it's going to be a veiled. I've further pretty much decided that it would be either an adult or sub-adult.

However, my girlfriend thinks maybe we should get one young so we have the opportunity of raising it and watching him or her grow instead of just getting an adult, which I can understand. I don't think we'll be doing that but I figured I'd at least consider it so... my question is: Is a 100 gallon reptarium too big for a young cham (1 - 2 months)?

Thanks for any replies.

08-09-04, 03:40 PM
My personal opinion is yes. A nursery cage should be an essential part in brining up a baby chameleon. However, many people would disagree; it is really a preference kinda thing.


08-09-04, 04:19 PM
Yeah, I agree. Especially since IF I were to get a young cham I would want to do everything perfectly.

I may be able to dig up my old 65 gallon reptarium. How would that do, in your oppinion?

08-09-04, 07:16 PM
I think a young cham will be fine for u just get one that is well started at least 4-6 months im my opinion. it will do fine in a large cage as long as u make sure they have easy access to food, a smaller juvie cage will also work as a imtermediat jump if u prefer. I think veilds are much more hardy them panthers, they can ajust much easier to changes in there enviroment. I think sucessfully raising a veild is a necessity b4 diving into other chams. Just my opinions, watch out the dam things are adictive.

08-10-04, 07:38 AM
Ok... thanks for all of the help! I'm gonna post one more question.