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08-09-04, 12:33 PM
Why am I unable to reply to a "snakes for sale" ad.? Something about not being logged in. The way I see it , I am logged in.
What the heck am I not doing, or doing incorrectly?

08-09-04, 01:17 PM
You're not able to reply to classifieds cause we don't allow that.. Instead, if something in the classifieds catches your eye or you're interested in something, we ask that you use the PM or Email feature..

Also, i moved this thread for you, as it wasn't a classified ad, instead, just a general question. :D

08-09-04, 02:06 PM
Thanks for the info!
Incidently thanks for moving my question. How it managed to get into the Ad's section would be my next question... but we could be at this all day!
One general comment though. Would it not be a great help to prospective buyers if the seller was requested to always show her or his locale?
This is a pretty big country. We don't all live in GTA, wherever that is! (Don't take offence we are used to it)

08-09-04, 02:18 PM
Well, people take it upon themselves to not fill out the location section in their profile.. Im not sure why.. Especially when most of the people that do this, are the ones that use the classifieds section the most.. I agree with you, it is annoying.. I think everyone SHOULD fill out their location..

08-09-04, 06:45 PM
I concur.

And more people should learn how to ship reptiles as well. :D

08-09-04, 10:27 PM
Totally agree, it has to be the most disapointing thing when you find exactly the animal you have been looking for and they tell you they live in hong kong, not that that has ever happened, but you get the point :D

08-09-04, 10:52 PM
Something tells me that people from Hong Kong aren't posting the 'Canadian Classifieds' :D :P

08-10-04, 12:45 AM

08-10-04, 11:36 AM
Hong Kong, Newfoundland, Prince Rupert, does it matter?
The speed that this site has been running at recently has led to some frustrations. Information that should be at hand isn't; the potential buyer gives up and the seller doesn't sell. Some information such as price, and especially location etc., should be mandatory in any classified listing.
Shipping costs and the willingness or ability to ship can have a major impact on whether a deal is worth pursuing.
High end stuff will always sell regardless of location, but the more mundane or common has to be within a tank or twos driving distance otherwise.......
Sorry to go on, but I was hoping to buy a snake or two yesterday. Hours later I find that I am SOL due to geographical considerations.

08-10-04, 06:11 PM
If their profile doesn't state where they are located, then it should make sense that the seller states where the animals are located. Kinda frustrating, I know.

BTW, the GTA is the "Greater Toronto Area".


08-10-04, 06:48 PM
How exactly do you ship reptiles? I have some shortheaded garters that I would like to get in from the US and the seller isn't entirely sure how to get them to me.

Thank You

08-10-04, 07:32 PM
Shipping to/from the States is a whole different ball game!

08-10-04, 08:02 PM
How do we play this ball game??