View Full Version : Axanthic Florida King

08-08-04, 12:18 PM
I just picked up an Axanthic Florida King at the local show yesterday! She's a New England strain and only a few weeks old. I've decided to name her Sky, since she'll have a light blue tint to her when she's grown. Sorry about the bad pic, I just snapped off a quick one before putting her away to settle in. Anyway, here she is!

Thanks for looking!

PS Mark K- I got my knoblochi probed and she IS a female, I'll be checking in on you in about a month or so for one of those reduced black males :D!

08-08-04, 12:47 PM
very nice!

08-08-04, 01:42 PM
Awesome! I am SOOOO jealous!!! :D

Tim and Julie B
08-08-04, 01:57 PM
Damn it I want that! I love my hypo. That is so damn cool. They have the best feeding responses. Many times I have to get them to uncoil from the tongs. I love Brooksi! Best kings you can get.

It's so unfair that you can't get any morphs up here.:mad: :(

08-08-04, 04:02 PM
I'll see what I can come up with for ya! You know where I'll be.

08-10-04, 03:44 PM
Wow!! Killer brooksi!! Don't see to many brooksi morphs up in Canada. You're so lucky! Canada needs more herp shows!

08-10-04, 07:30 PM
Thanks ALL!! There were 3 others there, but none had the uniform pattern she does. Just had to have her! :D

She's a fiesty little one too! My neighbors daughter wanted to watch me feed the snakes today, and she was first in line (I start smallest to biggest). Anyway, she was all coiled up and striking at us while we tried to watch LOL. I just covered her up and moved on to Satin (albino Snow Cali King) who put on a good show for them! LOL

Mark: I'll e-mail you about the specifics ;).