View Full Version : Li'l water snake

08-08-04, 11:40 AM
Belly shot of one of my baby mangrove water snakes.

08-08-04, 01:10 PM
Awesome little ones~
I love these guys!
They're absolutely awesome!
The only thing is that I don't like feeding fish....but I wouldn't mind keeping some of those!

08-08-04, 01:15 PM
dont like feeding fish? its so cool to watch a snake eat fish. the fish eating thing is the only reason i keep ribbon and garters.

08-08-04, 01:31 PM
Simon, a friend keeps his on rodents!
I have never tried though as fish are easiest to get and don't compete with my other snakes needs.

08-09-04, 01:59 AM
That belly pattern is absolutely incredible!!!

08-09-04, 11:51 AM
Katt, do you know anyone in Canada that has these?
I'd be interested to know.

08-09-04, 11:55 AM
Mangroves? As far as I know, no. There's a few other species however.

08-09-04, 07:20 PM
I've always liked clarkii but have never seen them for sale in Canada. I've seen them for sale in the US a few times but never by anyone who would ship them to me.