View Full Version : Need Help Indentifiyng Some Frogs

08-07-04, 06:03 PM

Well, we're the proud new owners of two frogs. My SIL dropped them after she decided she didn't want them anymore. She's only had them two weeks. :( She's not sure what they are, but said the pet store told her how to take care of them. Since I don't put much stock in what pet stores say, I want need to find what they are so I can properly take care of them. Here's the pictures. Please help me indentify and give any care info you can. Thanks!!



Double J
08-08-04, 08:48 AM
The frogs are respectively, Green frog, and American toad. They should be housed in seperate enclosures due to diferent habitats.
I am short on time now, but I will post again later in greater detail on care for these animals.

08-08-04, 10:23 AM
Someone else told me the first one was a bullfrog? I'm trying to find good pictures on the web but haven't come across any. What's the difference in appearance between the green frog and a bullfrog? And of course, I would welcome care ideas for both the frog and the toad. I'm going to be working on it today.

08-09-04, 08:23 PM
#1 green frog
#2 fowlers toad (american toads have more different colour spots\warts)

08-10-04, 12:36 AM
you can keep them at room temp. feed them as many crickets as they want, every 3 days or so. frog should have an enclosure that is more water than land, toad should have a land enclosure (damp soil/bark mix makes good substrate that he can dig in), with a nice sized water bowl for him to soak in.

08-10-04, 09:57 AM
Thanks for the replies. I've not gotten a very good response from other people so far. I would love to keep these guys and want to do what is right for them. I've been researching and researching. :) I'm working on the enclousures this week and will probably keep adding until it's perfect. Oh, can these frogs be held or should they just be looked at? I've read that frogs don't take to be handled that great. Just wondering. And do they take to having roommates if I were to get more? And can the green frog also eat minnows or small gold fish? Or should I just keep to crickets? Thanks again for any help.

08-10-04, 04:10 PM
amphibians really shouldnt be handled much, as they absorb the toxins from your hand thru their skin. if they will eat fish that is a perfectly fine staple for them so long as the fish are fed a proper diet. the frog may be more inclined to take fish than the toad. it way help to put the live fish on the ground and let it flop around, instead of expecting them to catch them in the water. the toad can live with other toads of a similar size and with the same requirements. same with the frog. just make sure that there is not much size difference, as frogs and toads can eat animals that are about 75% of their size. if they are well fed they will not fight.