View Full Version : leopard gecko eggs going moldie

king nick
08-06-04, 05:42 PM
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I am a new breeder to leos and I have had lots of sucsses in breeding them.In my last cluch of eggs both went through incubation just fine.The first egg hatched , after a week over due you could see the second leo through the egg , then the egg started to get mold on it tell the point where it smelt so I through it out.Do you know what went wrong?

08-06-04, 07:07 PM
it must have died full term. in the future, if an egg is long overdue you may consider pipping it yourself, tho it can be risky. if you do, dont remove the neonate from the egg, as this may kill him, just slit the shell and peel back a section so that you can see what is going on in there. this may save a neonate too weak to slit the shell itself.