View Full Version : Tibetan Frog Eyed Geckos...
I've been on this forum for a couple of years now, and I don't think I've ever read much regarding Tibetan Frog-Eyed Geckos. A friend of mine owns a reptile shop and he always has some... I've wanted to buy them for quite some time, but need more info, preferably from someone who currently keeps them. (My friend is usually too busy to have a question and answer hour... LOL)
They seem pretty easy to keep, and I've been told they're even easier to breed.... I just wanted some feedback, and if anyone finds a great site about them, please post it! Thanks in advance!! =)
We had one like that. matter of fact it was our first ever reptile.
It's what got us started in this crazy hobby.
Can't really tell you what they need, we didn't know much at the time and we had her housed with a leo.. They got along great though.
She dies because of an egg impactation even if she had not copulated.
We didn't know female could be pregnant without any males around so she died with her egg because she didn't have any place to lay.
Awwww, those are some adorable pix... I really like the look of TFEG's and I've researched moderately in the last few years here and there, but I'm really ready to buy. They aren't that expensive (about $40.00 USD) and I've been told they are easy to keep. How long did you have your girl? She was beautiful, btw and I'm sorry to hear that you don't have her anymore... =(
Thanks for sharing! =)
Kevin McRae
08-06-04, 06:48 PM
Try typing Giant Frog eyed gecko into a search engine
Kevin McRae
08-06-04, 06:49 PM
I mean tibetan froggie
Didn't get very many hits... Not a lot of info on them... thanks anyways! This may be a learn as you go kinda thing... I should be able to get info from my friend... he has kept them for a couple of years... he's just so hard to get ahold of... Thanks again! Any additional info would be greatly appreciated! =)
Skink Keeper
08-10-04, 11:40 AM
try typing in Teratoscincus roborowski i think thats the species your talking about. Good Luck
Thanks! I'll try that and post links here for anyone else who may be interested in this species! =)
These are the only links I found with captive care information; if any one else can add something please feel free!!! Thanks! =)
08-10-04, 01:22 PM
I know a fellow who has one or two frog-eyeds. Not sure what kind. I will try to ask him about them as I already have and he is the only person I used to know with them. They are also occasionally known as "Wonder Geckos", and "Skink Geckos". A book I have has some infor on them(Of which is useless really), but the scientific name for it is " Teratoscinus scincus ". I guess thats not the species your looking for but they are all pretty similar so try that and the common names I gave. I tried a while ago and got a couple good things from the common names.
Good luck!
I kept them a very long time ago, There is a guy up here that has worked with them for years, His name is Rob and he's the owner of global exotic pets in Kitchener Ont. Im sure if you emailed him with some specific questions he would have the answers... the only thing I remember about them really is that I kept them pretty much the same as Leo's, only difference was I kept there substrate slightly damp as they like to dig... good luck!
Thanks for all your help, guys! I have a pretty good idea about how to keep them... I'm not looking for a particular kind of tibetan froggie (giant or otherwise), I've just seen them at a friend's shop for years and always wanted one. I think I'll look around a bit more though and see what I can dig up (no pun intended) on these guys. I want to make sure I can provide decent care for them; don't want to buy them and find them dead the next day because of something I did...
Once again, if anyone has any information... no matter how minute, please post it here.... Thanks again! =)
I copied this before I read Joe's post on Rob. This is the care sheet from his website. I've seen them in his shop and they look exactly like WYZ's.
Good luck, they seem very cool. I might look into getting one :)
Thank you, guys, for all your help!
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