View Full Version : Silicone

08-05-04, 05:55 PM
My question is about the silicone sold at Home Depots and such. Has anyone actually used some and had their herp die because of this? Cause i'm sure it's been done. I haven't read or heard anything about that causing death and i've been reading a lot lately on this site as well as other busy herp sites. Everyone says to use the aquarium safe one but none of the silicones or acrilycs i see at Home Depot and Rona say aquarium safe. Anyone have an opinion on this matter or experience with the "wrong" silicone they would like to share? Maybe something you heard about? Thanks.


08-05-04, 07:03 PM
I never tried any of the silicone from those stores. Since you're in Canada, you can get safe silicone at Canadian Tire. I buy the Mastercraft brand silicone with a green/aqua label. It even says 'ideal for aquariums' on the label. It's also a lot cheaper than the GE silicone and most other brands I've seen. I use it on all the tanks and enclosure for my geckos, chams and dart frogs, never had a problem in over 10 years of using it.