View Full Version : Uneducated...

08-04-04, 06:15 PM

I find that a lot of people are not very educated at all. Im not saying you guys but other people. It seems like a lot of people out there havnt heard of the "Internet". Im doing hours at a pet store and people that come in and ask the dumbest question but i dont blame them, everyone has to start off somewhere right? But they come in and they ask a couple of questions and then just purchase the pet. Within a few days they come back and the little guy is dead. They didnt even bother to do some reserach, before buying. What I think all pet store should do is tell them how to take care of the pet (some do some dont) they want to buy or they should have a care sheet to give out when they have bought the pet, this way there wont be as much pets suffering. Also what they should do is have websites on the care sheet, so if anything goes wrong they can come to these fourms for help, and read more care sheets. It gets really frustrating when someone comes in and keep complaining about how there snake isnt eating, in the end we found out that she didnt have a heat pad and it was freezing to death. Sorry i just had to burst out somewhere. I just wish that more people will educate these customers, to bad i dont do the hours in the reptile department.


08-04-04, 07:01 PM
Ditto to that!


08-04-04, 07:37 PM
Unfortunately, "uneducated people" who don't do their research aren't limited to pet stores, they're everywhere. Some people care, and some don't. Sad really.

08-04-04, 08:13 PM
90 % of all animals bought at petstores are either returned or dead in the first 2 years.

08-04-04, 08:16 PM
62% of statistics are made up on the spot

08-04-04, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by CamHanna
62% of statistics are made up on the spot


08-04-04, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by CamHanna
62% of statistics are made up on the spot

08-04-04, 10:33 PM
lmfao..boy that was good hahaha. thanks lol

08-04-04, 11:39 PM
when u buy a pet at petco they give you a care sheet on the animal u bought but, yah all petstores should give buyers information on how to care for their new pet.

08-04-04, 11:46 PM
I have heard of pet stores refusing to sell to people in the store unless the employees agree that this person is capable and prepared to take care of the animal. Unfortunately most pet stores sell anything to anyone- no questions asked. I guess as pet store employees the most power you have is to make suggestions to management about it. If you are willing to WRITE caresheets for your store (which they would then own the copyright to) then they might go along with it, and also if you specified that the info on the caresheet was only supplemental and not in place of personal research and qualified vetrinary opinion. I would imagine you would have to have some kinda disclaimer to avoid lawsuits (i.e. I followed the directions on the caresheet and my animal still died).

I like to think in terms of justice, karma gets all the people it needs to. Sorry to see you down, meow!


08-04-04, 11:57 PM
Back in my younger days I went to Petsmart and bought an iguana. Before they sold it they had my Mom read a caresheet.
The sales guy gave me his phone number incase I had any questions. It only take one or two knowledgeble and dedicated individuals to make a responsable petstore. The Ruffins near me (Stratford) has a reptile guy now too. Not only that but they've stopped stocking tokays, african rocks and all those other notoriously poor pets. I like to think that in general stores are becoming more responseable, even if their customers aren't.

08-05-04, 12:08 AM

I stubbed my toe this morning and I think it broke. It's just the cute little baby one though.

I sucked 28 oz of apple sauce through a staw and now my belly hurts.

I know no body cares but my families all gone to bed and I feel like b*tching

Boo Hoo


Woahs Me

08-05-04, 07:53 AM
ya what some pet stores are great and some arnt, but i guess we have to try our best to educate these people.


08-05-04, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by CamHanna
62% of statistics are made up on the spot

damnit! i was at work and started laughing like a crazy person!

Anyway, I've actually bought a gerbils from a pet-something (they all have similar names!!!) and they gave me a care sheet, which was actually very good, and made me sign a waiver saying i wouldn't harm it (aka, feed it to a snake).... which i didn't mind signing, cuz i planned to breed him and feed his BABIES to a snake..... ha ha ha ha

But, the pet store I work for gets my pet rats that I raise to sell in the small animal department..... one woman bought one of my rats and killed it in THREE DAYS. She came back & tried to get a guinea pig and they refused to sell to her. They ended up asking her to leave the store and not come back! It just annoyed me cuz they knew she was crazy when they sold her my poor little rat!

Pet stores should give out care sheets no matter what the animal, IMO.


08-05-04, 04:30 PM
yup very true, i went to do my hours again today and there were ups and there were downs. One thing that was great was that i talked to these people who wanted crickets and i asked what they were feeding these to and they said chameleons so we had a nice little conversation(it gets better lol) She had no idea that they would lay eggs! i was shocked, so i told her about it and then i gave her the ssnakess website and tell her whats it all about, she had no clue that there such things as boards. So while were having a little convo another person over heard me and asked for the site as well, so now i know that these people will be educated and they know what there doing. yay!!!!

But theres a down side. Later that day, to guys come in and they were very selffish and very rude. They said they wanted this they wanted that, and they couldnt make up there mind. I told them facts and the stuff he should take to consideration, but they totally made fun of all the comments/facts i gave them. So in the end they narrowed it to, veildeds, water baslisk, bearded dragons and a monitor. But their bets were on the veilded chameleon....So he got a 25 gallon and said he wants to put it in that(its one of those long tanks), so all i could do is tell him no and cant do much about it, besides to suggestion bearded dragons. In the end they went out for a smoke and they said theyll be back, but i had to leave so i have no clue if there back or not. If they did by the chameleon it would be dead for sure. Thats my rant for today lol


08-08-04, 01:27 AM
the thing about pet stores is their veterinary care is usually very poor. its quite sad if you ask me