View Full Version : Afrock rescue, pics

08-03-04, 10:28 PM
Tonight I got a call from a friend that need help to get some abandon snakes off an appartment. They where 5 (2 bci, an anaconda, a burmese and an afrock) in only one 72"X18" tank. Exept for the afrock, that's the worst one, they're all in ok shape, only on the thin side. Can a snake lose it's color from been too sick? Never heard of this but, maybe like anemia? The one I've alway seen are brown, this one has a green head and a silver/yellow/greenish body. He has some scab cover with stuck shed one 3-4 spot but no left over shed on his whole body to change the color that much. Here's a few pics, is it it's normal color?




And some of the other one



08-04-04, 07:13 PM
sick snakes can be dull looking, or darker than usual, but i dont think it could cause those kind of colors. in fact, i think its kind of pretty.

its good that there are people like you out there to help the neglected pets of others. keep on truckin'!

08-05-04, 05:54 AM
Thanks tunder!!! I also think he is really pretty. I'm happy that is not du to sickness. It's my firend that are tacking care of them, I just help him to set them in their new temporarly tank.

08-05-04, 07:11 AM
That pale color is tipical of a snake that got burned. Did you notice she was very sensitive with her skin? Was the skin a bit moisted? IT's too bad if that's the case, She can survive but there will be no avoiding the scars.
Anyway, good luck with her and those other snakes.
Just another thing. This is one most unlikely rescue case. Bci's and burms are normal to be found at rescue, but when the owner has got a green anaconda (a snake not that available) it looks like someone who takes his herp collection seriously. Why would he just abandon them? Some people...

08-05-04, 11:32 AM
Awww, poor snakes!!! Good job on the rescue! We need more people like you on this planet!!

In my opinion, the snake could be dull due to retained shed (it's not always obvious on snakes). Try soaking them all (they'll probably appreciate that!)

All 5 snakes were kept in one enclosure? Amazing.

Guess we'll never know why their keeper abandoned them, but hopfully you can find them good homes. Update us on their progress!!!

Optimus Prime
08-09-04, 11:56 AM
:( that rock python looks so bad I've never seen one with that colour poor thing.

08-09-04, 12:10 PM
Wow, that afrock looks totally strange.

That Anaconda is absolutely beautiful. Who would abandon such animals?

08-10-04, 06:02 AM
The african rock is not so bad, he ate 2 small rats, is more rehydrated and has no retain shed exept on the scab (that look like old bite mark). I dought it is burn cause he has not heat for a while. Jimmy, when you say pale color is typical of burned snake, do you meen when a snake get burn at one place, all his body color change? I'll get some update pics on saturday. Thanks!

08-10-04, 06:56 AM
No. The pale color is supposed to be only where she got burn. It's the mildest of burns, where the heat didn't affect muscle, only superficial skin.
If, within some time, skin doesn't become dry and wrinkled, then it's ok. Good luck.

08-10-04, 02:39 PM
Ok, so it's weird color isn't because it's been burned cause he has this color all over it's body. It's just the head that look normal. Must be it's natural color!

08-10-04, 04:14 PM
Could it be a cross bread? With maybe another one of those animals sharing its enclosure...just a wild guess :)

Good on you though for taking charge and picking up those animals. Hopefully there's no bad press for the reptile hobby

08-11-04, 02:52 AM
Well hopefully its just a mutation, but I have to say when I first saw it, I thought old burn scars, too. It's interesting that the color on the head isnt that way, almost like it got dunked in scalding hot water, was my thought. But either way, its awesome that the afrock and others are doing ok! I also had the same thought as the owners, an odd collection to bail on, but if they were all houses in the same tank with no food and heat, then its most definitely for the best!

Awesome work Jezebel!

08-11-04, 04:40 AM
That colour is pretty intense. Keep us updated because that looks almost ghost-ish!

I know that you know what you're doing (obviously), but a good trick for rehydrating is when thawing out your rodents, thaw them in warm water and offer then soaking wet. You probably know it, but I thought I'd mention it for the benefit of others that might come across a bad rescue situation.

My hat's off to you, that's for sure.

08-15-04, 03:14 AM
Poor things, im sure they will have an amazing home with you though :)

08-15-04, 12:48 PM
Too bad, the owner came back and want them back, my friend called him to talk to him and quickly realize he shouln'd own them. The 72"X18"X18" rotting tank with groing muchroom on the bottom is the place they all usually live all the time, he said there's no probleme keeping those 4 species together :mad: The afrock was just stating to recover (and starting to show his real temper afrock have when they're not about to die like this one). He also said he had a retic in those 5 snake (when it's an anaconda, a burm, a rock and 2 bci). I'm really mad that such people can own giants snakes without knowing anything about them. I'ld not be suprise if to feed them he just trow a bunch of live rat with them, that would explain the scar they have. This guy's the kind of person that will not help the herp community image when he'll make another mistake. Cause, to make this long story short, those snake already escape from their thank in a apartement. The girl that was living there was soooooooo scared, it's already lucky that the snake didn't find their way out of the appartement and roaming the building, I can imagine the big title in the media. That's when my friend help her, catch them back, while the owner was out of the country for an unknown period of time. Now he complaing at the police so my friend will repport to them and my guess is that he'll have to give him back his snakes. :( I have his adresse, maybe I can complaint at the police for crualty to animal? But unfortunatly if we do so, those animal will probably be put to sleep as the spa don't deal with them and probably no zoo have place for them since they're too common.

Sorry for the long post, I'm really angry about this situation.