View Full Version : Trust me, I'm comfortable....

Ryan and Katie
08-03-04, 09:41 PM
I finally got a pic of this! The first time I saw a dumerils lying almost fully inverted when not gravid, I thought it was dead or dying.:confused: But it's just them getting comfortable. Dumerils and womas both sure seem to get cozy in odd ways :D
Has anyone else caught their snakes in odd positions? Let's see the pics!


08-03-04, 09:53 PM
Hahaha, very interesting. Unfortunately, I have no pics but my first snake(everglades rat) would go and squeeze herself between the lid and an edge near the top of the aquarium and stay there for a hour or more until she relaxed her muscles and fell(she fell about 10 times, I started taking her down when I knew she was up there and she eventually stoped). My boa likes to shove his hides out of the way and sit in the open! LOL. Weird animals eh?


08-04-04, 10:34 AM
Wow, well i just can't wait to see my Dumeril's do that! At the moment, she is just about 2.5 weeks old and i would be VERY happy for her to get as big as yours! I called her Monika Lewinski and next year i'll get myself a little Bill :) The only thing that she really seems to enjoy at the moment is to dig and hide in the substrate and get camouflaged by the moss in the cage, hehe.

08-04-04, 10:54 AM
I have a male ball python and my pair of borneos that both do that. It was a bit alarming at first when I observed it as well, I haven't observed any of my boas or colubrids do it though. I took the pics out of my gallery though.

Ryan and Katie
08-04-04, 05:22 PM
Chris- Haha, snakes dont seem to learn from there mistakes very well.

bistrobob85- Just wait till you catch your little girl trying to lure some food with a slight wiggle of her tail.. It's very cool to see...

08-06-04, 12:19 PM
Same here, first time I saw one of my Dum's laying on his side
I thought he was dead or sick. I was sure something was wrong!

Till a buddy of mine told me it's norm for them, just getting cozy.

08-10-04, 08:36 PM
Ryan, I just about DIED the first time I saw my dum doing that. LOL. I seriously thought that he was dead when I walked into the room and saw him lying like that... I'd only had him a couple weeks at that point, and I almost had a heart attack. LOL. I was so relieved when I realized that he was indeed still breathing and NOT dead :p Didn't take any pics though... I'll have to try and get some next time I catch him doing that, now that I know it doesn't mean that he's kicked the bucket... lol...


08-11-04, 11:32 AM
Ryan and Katie, when is she supposed to do that ( luring a prey with her tail? ), when feeding live? I only fed her a fuzzy rat once and she ate it when i was asleep cause i left the fuzzy in the tank for the night... I've been told they were hard to get started on dead food because that they are ambush hunters... How did you guys do it??? I really dont want her swallowing pieces of substrate and hurt her cute little face! I tried taking her out for feeding once, but it never worked, so i guess she really likes to be burrowed when hunting...

Ryan and Katie
08-11-04, 03:05 PM
Jen- Too funny! I felt the same way.

bistrobob85- It is really hard to say if or when they will lure, but it seems to be late at night and when they are hungry. My best suggestion is to check on her a couple hours after dark and a few days before she is due for a meal. Try not to turn any lights on just use a flashlight.... Once your girl gets more settled in and you have a routine down she should accept pre-killed with any problems. I never had much luck with young Dumerils eating outside of their cage they just seem to stress alot. If you are worried about her swallowing some substrate just put some newspaper down and kinda sorta encourage her to eat it on top of the paper.
How many times has your Dumerils eaten for you? And what kind of setup is she in?

08-16-04, 11:44 PM
Wow looks like she is gonna pop any time now Dibs on the babies lol

08-17-04, 12:36 AM
I'm keeping my little dumeril in a 30 gallons tank with some Jungle Blend as a substrate. She ate once just before i bought her, then twice since i've had her. She should be fed on this wednesday... I'm not pretty optimistic about the paper in the cage... i might try it thought, cause i defenetly have to get her to eat thawed rats!!! They don't stay small long enough!


08-17-04, 09:03 AM
How long is your dumeril in the pic?

Ryan and Katie
08-17-04, 10:00 PM
Colonel - Actually, she's not gravid in that picture. She was a little young this year but she should be ready for next year...

Bistrobob - All of our dums will take f/t rats off a piece of newspaper that we put in their enclosures. We don't have to dangle it, they get to find it on their own. They seem to like to eat this way and many times we have found them under the paper hiding out after... Sometimes they drag the rat off the paper but usually you can gently put them back on. It's not foolproof, but it's safer than feeding directly on a substrate and a good alternative to taking them out of the cage. It's also kinda fun to watch their eyes light up when they realize there is a tasty snack close by.

newtosnakes - She is about 5 and a half feet-ish... :)