View Full Version : Fat Content in Rodent Foods

08-03-04, 06:35 PM
What is the effect of fat content on my rats. Mazuri offers 6%, 9% and 11% formulas. Which of these is best suited to pump out babies and get them to 50+ grams in a hurry?

Thank You

08-04-04, 12:24 PM
I use Mazuri 6F and they grow quickly but MORE IMPORTANTLY, they get healthy big and not fat big. My 50g rat pups are 1/2 the size of a 50g pet store rat. They're solid little S.O.B's.

08-04-04, 01:44 PM
yes, but mykee puts them through vigorous weight training..... with little rat barbells and everything....

that's right little rat..... feel the burn!


08-04-04, 02:00 PM
I've tried Mazuri 6F (unsuccessfully) in the past. I formulate my own diet of scraps, 16% horse chunks, and a light sprinkling from time to time of medium quality cat food. Regardless of the diet you choose to go with, I've found that breeding females and growing babies do best with 18-20 percent protein and no lower than 8% fat. Protein is what you are looking for if you want to 'pump' up your babies, as it is the nutrient directly responsible for tissue growth.

A few prior discussions on 'the best' rodent diets that may be of interest...

08-04-04, 05:12 PM
Since what you asked had nothing to do with horse chunks, I would go with either the 6% or the 9% Mazuri. As Linds mentioned, it's all aboot the protein. (Edit: What Justin and/or Jessy said; it's true).

08-04-04, 08:27 PM
Thanks for all your help. I knew that protien was the way to go but was curious why fat never seems to come into discussion. Mazuri offers one 'breeder' formula with nearly twice the fat content of another 'breeder formula'. Just wondering why.

08-05-04, 12:42 AM
Is the extra fat just for more energy?

Wouldn't my babies grow much faster if I fed a high protien food with higher energy. Thats makes sense to me; why don't people do it? I don't care so much about organ damage in my babies.

Does anyone have a good link?
This isn't easy info to find.

Thank You

08-05-04, 01:43 AM
Yes, a higher protein diet will make your rodents grow faster, but it also causes health problems as well. I don't know about you, but I prefer to give my snakes a healthy mouse/rat rather than one that has been pumped full of protein just to make it grow fast so I can feed it off quicker. Most people who want to "power feed" their rodents, feed them a cheap dog food that has dyes and growth hormones and other carcinogens in it that is left behind in the rendering process. The growth hormones and other chemicals do NOT break down and build up in your rodents. You then feed these rodents to your snakes or other animals and these chemicals are then passed on to THEM which stay in the body once again... this time in your pet. Okay... so ONE rodent raised on cheap dog food won't do much harm... but if you are feeding a steady diet of rodents raised on cheap dog food (so they grow faster and can be fed off quicker) well... you do the math. :P I know MANY people on here disagree with me on feeding dog food and some say they have done so for years... that's up to them. :)
In my PERSONAL opinion (and as everyone knows, opinions are like poop shoots... everyone has one) I would rather feed my snake a rodent that has not been "power fed" on dog food... but that's just me. :)
Take care
Annie B. <:3 )~~
(With her trusty rusty squirt gun ready for all the flames... :)

08-05-04, 12:13 PM
Annie, I agree completely. Garbage in, garbage out. Too many people try to take the "easy" way out(monetarily, time-wise). It's unfortunate that there are too many people asking "What's the cheapest" or "What's the fastest". Doing it right isn't always the easiest or the cheapest, it's the best. (**Puts finger in end of Annie's squirt gun**)

08-05-04, 01:09 PM
(Annie's jaw hits the floor and she gasps)
Mykee, you AGREED with me?!? YOU agreed with ME?!? WOW!! Quick! Someone write this down in history!! LOL!!
Just teasing you, Mykee... :) From your posts, I'm sure you are very fussy when it comes to your feeder animals as well as your pets... :)
(Pulls squirt gun back so Mykee's finger pops out and squirts him... then runs away giggling) HA HA!! Gotcha!! LOL!!
Take care
Annie B. <:3 )~~

08-05-04, 04:26 PM
I think I will try 9F with my females. The juvies will get 9F as well but supplemented with dried earthworms (about 65% protein) to bring the feed to about 22%-24% protein (up from 16%).

I think I will mix the worms with a little beef gravy so that the rats will actually eat them. That way the juvies will get a little extra energy as well.

That much protien may cause some health problems but they'll likely be eaten before then anyways. I can't see any toxins or hormones being passed to my snakes because I am using good food.