08-03-04, 11:23 AM
Hey this is a question for a buddy of mine who has a pair of Leopard Geckos. Male and Female and are both about a year old. He's had them in their tank ever since he got them and when he got them they were calm nice handleable lizards. Well this seemed to be the case untill he moved his male blue tongue skink zeek into the room because of their new puppy having scratched at zeeks tank and they didnt want to cause him stress. But now he's got the skink and gecko tank remotely close to eachother with a bearded dragon cage the entire length of the room away also.
To make my point the leos have since turned into hissing screaching little terrors who refuse to be picked up but eat like there's no tomorrow, and the skink now pisses all over everyone. Even on my buddy whos owned him from a hatchling. We were wondering if this is because the tanks are near eachother or what because this is such a drastic change for all three animals from their current behavior. Is it because there's 3 males in the room? (zeek, the leo, and the beardie) all about the same ages too.
To make my point the leos have since turned into hissing screaching little terrors who refuse to be picked up but eat like there's no tomorrow, and the skink now pisses all over everyone. Even on my buddy whos owned him from a hatchling. We were wondering if this is because the tanks are near eachother or what because this is such a drastic change for all three animals from their current behavior. Is it because there's 3 males in the room? (zeek, the leo, and the beardie) all about the same ages too.