View Full Version : breeding

08-03-04, 10:26 AM
i hav a 5month old leuistics texas ratsnake and i was just wonderin, down the line, if i would breed him, what wud be a good choice to partner him with?just a thought

Kevin McRae
08-03-04, 01:32 PM
Either a normal texas rat or another leucistic.....

08-03-04, 02:26 PM
Another Texas Rat would be perfect irreguardless of phase. Mark

08-03-04, 02:29 PM
i reckon thats it.was just seein if there were any hybrid possibilities like corns with kings etc...

08-04-04, 07:35 PM
I have seen obsoleta x guttata hybrids before, but never with a texas. it can be done, but it is difficult. you may have to use the old "switcheroo."

08-04-04, 08:04 PM
switcheroo?cud u elaborate?im intrigued

08-04-04, 08:07 PM
you put a female of the same species as the male in his enclosure. if all goes well and he courts her, switch in the female of another species. this may trick him into copulating with her. this is the method i used to achieve yellow ratsnake x corn hybrids this year.

08-04-04, 08:16 PM
i see.do u reckon i mite have a chance if i did this with the texas and my taiwan beauty(freisi).i know its a longshot and mabe just a little too crazy

08-04-04, 08:24 PM
i would have to say that such a hybrid would be impossible. they are too different, from opposite sides of the world. if you want to create hybrids, a lot of research is required, and you have to know a good amount about both species. i think i understand the source of you confusment tho. the texas rat and the beauty rat, used to be in the same genus, which would suggest that they could hybridize. however, all new world ratsnakes have now been removed from the genus elaphe, as they are really not very closely related to the old world ratsnakes. obloleta has been placed in a new genus called pantherophis, along with other north american species such as gutatta and bairdi.

08-04-04, 08:44 PM
knew it was a longshot.curiosity killed the cat.but it never hurt to ask!thank u for your help