View Full Version : Black Beatles with crix

08-03-04, 05:08 AM
I was just wondering what these black bugs that look like beatles are, sometimes I find them when I buy a batch of crix.

08-03-04, 08:06 AM
I was actually thinking of posting the same question :)


08-03-04, 08:45 AM
They are called a "lesser mealworm" They are nasty little bugs.
Here is a link for more info on them


You don't want to have to many of these guys in your house. Do a few searches on them and you will be shocked in how bad these guys can be.

08-03-04, 12:33 PM
Oh great!! Those things are all OVER the place!! I rent a house on a chicken farm and I've seen those little things everywhere! Not so much inside, but I've seen them outside lots of times. :) Oh well... they can't do as much damage as the bee nest I have in the wall next to the front door... or the various "visitors" that live around the property like skunks, minks, oppossums, ect... LOL!
But on the "good" side... the beetles and bees also make good "toys" for my dog... LOL! And yes, she HAS been stung... ONCE.... doesn't make any difference to her, well... other than make her REALLY cheezed off and torture the poor bugs!
Take care
Annie B. <:3 )~~

08-13-04, 12:28 PM
Wow, it must be some natural instinct! I always kill those larvae and bettles whenever I see them. I leave the ants and spiders alone though! LOL. They will help take care of those nasty little bugs!
