View Full Version : Just keeping everyone updated

08-02-04, 07:59 PM
Hello all,

I have pics on the way of my 20 inch northern ringneck eating 3 pinky mice. Pics of some of my newly hatched ringneck snakes, and a few other things. I should have the pics by wednesday.

Out of a 4 egg clutch of northerns, all 4 hatched.
Out of my albino's 5 egg clutch, 3 hatched, normal colored hets, but very nice and thick for neonate ringnecks

I still have a few eggs going as well.

Michael's Place (http://www.freewebs.com/mikesnake)
Michael_Fedzen at hotmail.com

08-10-04, 07:37 PM
How long do ringnecks take to mature? Can we expect baby albinos any time soon?

08-10-04, 08:19 PM
lol are you stalking me or something??
It's really hard to say when albinos will be available from me, the albino's first clutch of eggs was completely unexpected. The eggs hatched, normal hets, even though we paired her up with a male from the same locality. The babies were pretty thick looking, for being northern ringneck snake hatchlings. I was expecting their first shed, and then they all died. :(
Things are just unexplained like that. Next year I hope to get another clutch out of her though. Let's see, I had her since 99' she was nearly adult when I caught her, she's only about 16 inches long but about 8 years old(or something like that).
Michael's Place (http://www.freewebs.com/mikesnake)

08-10-04, 08:20 PM
Oh, literature says that they are sexually mature at 3 years of age, but I have found with most northerns, it takes 4.

08-10-04, 11:00 PM
Stalking you?? No comment.

It's really a shame that we Ontarians can't keep native species, that rules out Eastern Fox Snakes (best snake in the world), eastern hogs, smooth greens, black rats, northern ringnecks and everything else (well, out of 2955 snakes we miss out on 14).

Good luck with those albinos, I'm working on that shipping thing.
