View Full Version : Banana Geckos

08-02-04, 01:40 AM
Gehyra baliola

Does anyone have info on these guys? Are they somewhat ok for handling (ie: for cage transferring and such), or are they similar to the Tokay in that aspect?

08-02-04, 08:09 AM
I have Gehyra vorax, Halmahera Island Giant Banana Gecko. I don't know how similar they are, but if they come from the same general area, you can treat them as Rhacodactylus, including the fruit in their diet, just keep them a bit warmer. My vorax do best from 75-83 F or so, room temp at night.
Vorax shed their skin readily as protection against capture. Anything from a few bits and pieces where they're being held, to almost their entire skin, and they don't think twice before doing it. That doesn't make them good handling prospects, just display animals. But they're very interesting, very vocal and loud as well, so they're great to have around even if you can only watch and study them.

08-02-04, 12:43 PM
I've been hearing alot about differant types of Geckos not being able to be handled, I'm not really a gecko collector but my girlfriends got a couple of medit. geckos and I know you can't handle those but she likes geckos what would be a good gecko for her to handle? that could POSSIBLY go with the others but if there's any that can't go with the other but still ok with being held I'd like to know too.

08-02-04, 06:45 PM
Very good ones to handle are Fat Tails,Leos and Cresties,a few others but those are the only ones ive had expirience in handling,keep in mind though those 3 could lose there tails if grabbed by them the AFT and leos will grow back but not the cresties. And its never a good idea to house different species together.

08-02-04, 09:29 PM
I heard community tanks were ok with geckos, i guess i was misinformed.