View Full Version : i thinkk I fed her a little to much....lol

08-01-04, 11:34 PM
This is my little 2 month old Red tail. I fed her 2 mice that were a little bigger than hopper. She hasnt wanted to move since Friday when I fed her. The sad thing is she was still looking for more. I am about to get some rat pinkies in so I figure one of those a week should do the job. She is so cute though. I also took a picture of the saddles. She was sold as a Colombian but some of those saddles remind me of pictures of BCC's. What do yall think of?

08-01-04, 11:36 PM
she is big boneded

08-01-04, 11:36 PM
Here are the saddles. So do you think she is pure BCI.

08-01-04, 11:50 PM
need a full body pic to be able to tell. number of saddles is more than shape in determining ssp.

08-02-04, 01:18 AM
BCI I think... That's a good sized meal judging by the lump in her, don't bother with the pinkies. I'd go with a fuzzy rat probably, or whatever sized rat would put a lump like that one in her again.

08-02-04, 09:43 AM
how big is it msu?

after the third meal my bci is getting "extra small" rats