View Full Version : Baby Hog Island Boas

07-31-04, 08:10 AM
<img src="http://www.niagarareptiles.com/temp/hogad1.jpg">

<img src="http://www.niagarareptiles.com/temp/hogad2.jpg">

<img src="http://www.niagarareptiles.com/temp/hogad3.jpg">

There are still some baby Hog Island boas available to new homes. These guys were born here late April and have fed and shed several times now. Their father is an incredible high orange Hog with reduced speckling and it looks as though his offspring are going to be even better!

Many of the babies have striped tails to some extent. Males are extrememly limited, but several female are currently available.

<center><b>$375/ea. applicable taxes included</b></center>

Shipping is available coast to coast. We pay shipping on orders over $1000!

As always, references are available upon request.
Please feel free to contact us by phone or email with any further questions you may have.

Jon Kendrick
Niagara Reptiles
(905) 651-5997

08-09-04, 08:05 PM
I'll be attending the Red Deer show the end of this month. This means no shipping charges on any sized order to be picked up at the show!

Thank you for your interest!
