View Full Version : well, it finally happened.

07-30-04, 11:16 PM
I don't know if any of you remember about a month ago I found 7 eggs in my cresties tank. I didn't think they were even laying eggs so it was quite a surprise. I guess they had been in the hide for a while. lol, cuz this is what I found tonight at 11 pm.


She, or he, is now out and housed in a small critter keeper with some fake plants and moist papertowel.
I read that I shouldn't expect her to eat for at least a couple days but now I'm going to be nervous for the first little bit. I don't know if she has a sibling coming as well or if she was a lone egg. I have 3 females and all of them are first year breeders. 2 already laid abot 4 eggs before I got them so I thought they were done laying as I heard cresties dont' usually lay many eggs their first year. Surprise to me. I also found 2 more eggs Monday and I believe another female is going to lay soon, she was in the hide yesterday checking things out.
I'll post more picks later if I get time, but right now I'm trying to leave the little one alone as much as possible. Thanks for looking.

07-30-04, 11:21 PM
great find .that makes every day a great one looks good paul

07-30-04, 11:26 PM
Congrats! I would be so pumped if I were you!

07-31-04, 11:05 AM
Very nice...I love the red!!

07-31-04, 11:22 AM
Woohooo!! That's one great coloured baby you have there, Debbie. Who's the father? (Thinking maybe, just maybe.... you know who I'm hoping it was :)

07-31-04, 11:40 AM
Congrats, great looking hatchling!

07-31-04, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by DragnDrop
Woohooo!! That's one great coloured baby you have there, Debbie. Who's the father? (Thinking maybe, just maybe.... you know who I'm hoping it was :)

It is VERY possible, that he would be the father because my other male crestie is very yellow. lol, now, I could be wrong, but he looks like he's going to be a fire. I haven't disterbed him much yet. I do want to get some pictures oh so badly but I want to make sure he is not too stressed out in the process. This is my first little one. :)

he hatched out July 30th, when should I offer food? And should it be crickets to start or can I give him baby food or cgdiet as well from the start? Thanks Hilde, I hope that little boy is the dad and hope he does a good job for you as well.

07-31-04, 08:14 PM
That's awesome!
Congratulations! :D
It's so hard not to take a billion pics isn't it!
You can start feeding him/her usually within a couple days after hatching, as soon as he/she has gone through the first shed. I start mine on all of the above (except I use the GGD), and I've found that it can sometimes take them a while to "acquire" a taste for babyfood and the GGD, so I offer them crickets quite frequently.
Good luck!