View Full Version : Silkworms....

07-29-04, 09:46 AM
After hatching, how long before they spin cocoons? I only want to keep silkies as feeders (and not breed), but I want to feed them all out before they spin.

Any particular signs that would indicate that stage is nearing - or would just counting the number of molts (I think I remember hearing 4 molts before they spin) be an indicator? I just want to plan accordingly so I can figure out how many to order and when I have to use them up by before they spin. I plan to order from Mulberry Farms and I want to get the small 1/4-1/2 inch size. How long before they would spin?

07-29-04, 10:26 AM
You should give them to your animals before they exceed 2 1/2 inches. Even better economicaly at 2 inches.

Reason is that after that size they eat like pigs.

It's said that in the last stage of their life, they eat 80% of all the food in their life because they need to grow their silk gland for spinning.

Hope this helps.

07-29-04, 11:15 AM
If you buy em 1/4-1/2" you'd have approx. 3-5wks ( depending on how much you feed them, temp kept at ).

They don't spin untill they reach bout 2+ ".

If they do spin, there's nothing wrong with that, as you can feed your reptiles the moths.....so don't throw out any cocoons. :)

07-29-04, 11:19 AM
Cool! Thank you both!